Gun Violence among Youth in Arkansas

Gun Violence among Youth in Arkansas


Gun violence is one of the most insecurity factors that affect most regions of the USA and the rest of the world. It is a system where an individual, hung stars and other organization resort to gun use as a way of solving problems.  It is ranked in the seventh position on gun violence, and it tends to affect theregular livings of the citizens. The gun violence in the country has become epidemic with the leading cause linked to illegal useand selling of such guns. Most youths deaths have become victims of gun violence, especially individuals between ages 10 to 24 years old.  Gun violence is the second major cause of fatalities in the USA. This discussion, therefore, explores the intensity of gun violence in Arkansas and the possible policies that can be used to achieve a reduction of the force.


There have been many cases where gunviolence has caused deaths 9n many areas of the start. Firing guns in public places become a significant threat, in that case, there are several instances where many defenseless individuals die dangerously because of the possession of guns in the fact that it affects juveniles as the perpetrators become a challenge since they are not allowed topossess any firearm. The question, therefore, has always risen on the source of the position of the gun.

Executive agencies and lawmakers have always had several difficulties in dealing with the increased rate of violence among youths. They are engaged in criminal activities.  A large percentage of individuals facing murder charges being the youths. The implementation of the policy created or the review of such systems to help in curbing the increased rate of violence has not been quite useful. Thiscrime of gun violence is a significant burden to society, and there is a need to come up with the best way possible to curb them.

Arkansas states are one of the regions which have become a victim of such youth gun violence. The increased gun violence grew evident in the 90s. It was documented in the 1994 documentary. It exposed the intensified gun violence and the increased growth of youth gangs in Arkansas. A further dramatic event that raised the alarm in the rate of gun violence in the country was the shooting of the Jonesboro school in Arkansas in 2002. It involved two students, Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson who opened fire within the campus. It led to the death of four students and a teacher, and ten students were wounded. Thismade thetwo shooters to be sent to Juvenile, and both were released at age 21without any criminal record pegged on them. This shows the weak policies and laws that have been established to deal with the consequences of c of illegal actions by juveniles and youths. Since the occurrence, there has been a general rise in gun violence with little policies that can control them. The laws make are have resorted to creating policies that prevent individuals below 21 years old form possessing a gun. However, this policy is difficult to implement since the illegal gun ownership is becoming common in the region.

Arkansas has been rated as the 7th worst states in the nation with a 25% higher of the violence than the government.The gun violence accounts for about 4.5% of deaths in the region.  The region is also the third most aggrieved with a firearm per capita.It is also recorded that the district has the highest number of youth violence with juvenile crimes increases steadily. The main issue is, therefore, the determination of the possible ways of ensuring that the crime rate reduces and the region becomes free from such violence. The first step is to provide that there is a reductionin the youths in the crime and the general number of guns for them.

Therehas been a general public fear of gun use, and the legislators have resorted to the creation of harsh laws and policiesthat punishesthe youths and juveniles that participate in gun violence crimes.Among the harsh systems introduced an include treating the minors as adults when involved in crimes to do with gun violence. It also established a higher minimum numberof years an individual spend in prison once he or she is charged with crimes on gun violence. Even though such laws still exist in the country, there has been a continuous rise of gun violence in the state, and therefore, it has proven that the policies established are not efficient enough to deal with n such problems.  These issues, thus, indicate that there are diversified factors that have to be consideredwhen dealing with the regulation of gun violence. Some of such factors include the ownership of such guns, the types of gun laws and the impact of culture on gun use. Other elements of consideration 9nclude the gun control laws, legislation, sales, and magazine capacity.Dealing with such factors will, therefore, help to determine the root cause of the violence and thereforeforge ways for its control policies.

Problem statement

The increase in gun violence is based on a specific problem of the failure of the legislators’ and policy formulators to create workable laws that will help to control the flow of illegal guns in the region. I am not just a matter of making strict laws to combat the increased violence, but instead, it becomes a problem that goes far from mere laws. One of the significant issues in the bill is treating juveniles as an adult when it comes to gun violence. When such individuals return to the community, they are likely to commit more crime, since the punishment does not involve the correction of making them understand the essence of violence.  For this reason, they will always increase the violence rate and ensure that they do more crime which influences others to stop to join the offense. Theissue comes with the type of legislation that has been established to deal with the problem. He demands to review the policies and laws that are currently available may be a solution, even though it may not be a long lasting effort.  The violence in the children is not blamed purely on them, but rather it is collective blame of the society based on howthey raise the children and the cultures in whichthey are brought up.Most families in the region have a particular breakdown. The fact that these weapons are readily available for children and they tend to see their use each time makes it difficult to control its use. The culture of having a gun in the house as a firstweapon by the adults is the root cause of the increased juvenile crime on gun use.  Theysee the parents use guns.

A further cause of the difficulties in reducing violence is the belief in a society based on cultural bringing. American culture is based on a long period of racial hatred. This makes the various races justified violence against each other. Thishatred in the region has always led to gun violence and provocation among the different races around. Therefore dealing with the issue involves a community s decision to focus on creating discipline and peaceful constancy among neighbors. It requires a nondiscriminatory education system that does not make a person feel inferior or superior to the other. This is a concept that has been lacking in Arkansas. Legislators are therefore expected to focus on policies that do not only control the use of guns but fight racial he trade through a mutual understanding in the various communities of the state achieving this requires a change of attitude towards the commitment to solve the problem. Moreover, most cases of gun violence are due to the illegal ownership of such guns. This is a   problem which can easily be controlled through the change of trends requires for an individual to own a gun.

Parentsare to be blamed in the increased violence among the youths in the region. In this case, they are responsible individuals who live with their children; they need to know and understand the activities of their children. This is based open tracing their movement and ensuring that they do not get access to such guns. This wills probable help to reduce the number of firearms in the region. It will also ensure that the parent brings up responsible individuals in the state that value life andhave a purpose to live for. Their children must, therefore, understand the implication of engaging in violence, and the use of guns at their ages.

The action of the policymakers to ignore the problem that is pending is one of the reasons for the difficulties in ending gun violence. There is a need for many attentions of the policymakers and legislators to stop hiding from the truth and address the existing disparities in society.  Most gun violenceis related to the increase in mental disorders in most individuals. Most individuals who have beenfoundguilty of the valence have a psychiatric breakdown. This implies that there is a need to address the problemof depressions and the general mental health in the state. This is an issue that has never been considered, and it continues to play a leading role in gun use among the juvenile that not get to address their problem in a more civilized way. They, therefore, need proper parenthood that helps them solve their issue. This requires a lot of keenness to ensure that there is an observation of any change based on moods and character.

The availability of a gun in the state becomes one of the influencing factors for the increased rate of violence. There has never been a policy that has thoroughly been created to ensure thatthe number of gun in the public domain controls. This makes it difficult to take the record of the weapon used and the person responsible for that particular gun. The illegal possession and trade of weapon become among the most influencing factors. even though the restriction of a firearm is  based on the fact that children are not allowed to hold them or buy them, irresponsible adult  enable such children to get access to such firearms and therefore ensure that  the rate of crime continues inregular basis

The pressure needs to go to the gun industry which is continuously become irresponsible in society. In this case, the law should focus on the policies to ensure gun safety. In this case, the lawmakers should advocate for the personalization of guns through setting passwords that suit their respective owners. This pressure by the legislators on the gun industry is likely to reduce the danger and ensure that there is safety in gun use. Implementing such a policy requiresa widerange of consultation and consideration from various states. It is this reason that continues to make a massive barrier in the control of gun policies. The center legal action project has brought a lawsuit for the gun industries that produce weapons of mass destruction and make them accessible to the public for such damage..Thenegligence in the handling of the gun and selling them has therefore led to the violence among the youths which use them to promotecrime in the state.

A setting of effective policy interventionis, therefore, necessary to help in the fight against the increased violence e activities in the region among the youths.There was a study conducted on the Operating Ceasefire intervention program that was initiated by the police department of Boston. Itsmain aim east to redu8ce the increasing rate of homicide and the violence based on gun use by the youths. The study was clear to expose that this program was likely to reduce the youth homicide victimization and the gin assaultincidents that continue to be the order of the day in the most state, with Arkansas being among the leading in the USA.It is for this reason that the country continues to play a significant role in ensuring that there is adequacy in the policy creation that will help to reduce the gun violence in the state and the general building of an environment that supports peaceful coexistence in the region.


Based on the continuing problem and the increasing rate of violence in Arkansas, several systems have been established to deal with the administration. Among them include the prohibition of the possession of a gun by the minors. Especially individuals below age 18. There are also standard procedures that have been setto ensurethat t there is adequate punishment for individuals who have become perpetrators for such violence.The position of guns has been restricted proper check. The other policies in the place of the weapon a significant area that has been explicitly developed.  The concept of a felony is among them. However, there is no minimum age to fire a gun or shot firearm he, therefore, makes it difficult to control the gun use. Moreover, thelaw of Arkansas allows the juveniles of stationary to be transferred to adult criminal courts for violation of gun free zones.

Background of the problem

Many types of research have tried toexplain the increasing trends of t gun increase inthe gun violence in most regions in the USA. Among them is the lack of clear policies that regulate s the use.  This hasbeenevident in the in the way the government has been dealing the gun policies.  Among the most researched thing on gun use is the best system to control public shooting and youth violence. It is clear that restricting gun use amongthe children and youths will not likely to solve the problem. This is based on the fact that the irresponsible society based on careless parenthoodan influences gun use. Instead, policies that restrict the number of individuals to hold guns, as well as the specific reasons for keeping them, may work.

Manyresearchers also hare for the opinion that there is a need to entrust the police with the role of protecting individuals.  In this case, giving the public security the trust and ensuring that no civilianis possession of such guns. These policies are therefore based on the creation of trust among the public safety and ensuring that the privacy protection does not play a role in the in the security provision.

There is no apparent reason for the public to hold guns when the role of protection is left to the police. The government of Arkansas should, therefore, consider restricting gun holding in the hand of the public. Ascientific study on the rate of violence reveals that the USA has the highest number of civilians with guns. . It also indicates that it is the country with the leading homicide rate. This, therefore, makes it alarmingto understand the essence of reducing the gun holding among the public domain.

Prior efforts

The increasing gun violence in Arkansas has led to f the establishment of many policies these include the need to ensure that schoolsand other public places are free from guns. One of such procedures involved, providingthe private citizens who wish to hold the gun a manual type thatcannot take many lives at the same time. This factor may help to ensure thatindividualssurvive from the injuries andtherefore reduce the number of victims in case of public attack.

Means and outcome

Based on the factors that have been set, there is a need to ensure that each sector of the society has a proper approach in accepting the problem. There is a need to hold campaigns in every part of the state to address the issue. This will ensure that the community is willing to participate in solving the problems. Moreover, instead is need to ensure that the public, the outcome, therefore, becomes a combined effort in the  state to create a safe environment which is free from the violence


Evaluation of the policy

The policy recommended may reduce the increase in gun violence among the youths of Arkansas. However, it does not address the other sectors, especially those who deal with mental health and cultural conditions. The placing of strict laws may prevent access to guns, but may into help to reducethe desire of the youths to stop the crime.

Policy recommendation and conclusion

aA close analysis of the various trends in the gun used in the country, there is a specific recommendation that may help the youth of Arkansas to find a positive way of dealing with the increased gun use and violence. One of them is to ensure that the laws focus on instilling discipline ion the gun violence criminals. Moreover, it should aim at providing that society addressesthe issue of diversity and learn to live in harmony with each other.   The policy conclusion is therefore that there is that achieving a peaceful Arkansas is a decision made by the society based on the willingness to deal with the various aspects of gun violence among the youths. Giving them a purpose to live and creating hopes is one of such points that when built, may resolve the gun use issues in the state.


Gun crime is an issue in society that may become difficult to address. It is a choice that the community makes on the type of environment that they would wish to bring up their families. A creation of discipline andproper control of the accessibility may help to ensure that there are little  chances of gun violence. Therefore, the continuous rise of gun crimes in the states is based on the unwillingness to be truthful to the situation and start addressing the issue in a civilized manner. It requires commitment from all the stakeholders and a general discipline based on the ability to accept to embrace the changes.

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