
The main contributor to happiness is inner peace.  Many times I have the feeling that when I acquire something, I will have peace. However, once I get it, I get the need to acquire something else.  Acquiring things can not cause inner peace. Things come and go but to be constantly happy, there is need to have an internal thing. External things will cause happiness for a short time and worries and depression will kick in.

Inner peace can be achieved through meditation. Inner peace helps one to increase concentration. There are always forces in our minds telling us different things.  It is hard to ignore these voices in our heads. They make us lose concentration. In addition, meditation helps to deepen the le el of concentration and also reduced blood pressure. A high blood pressure leads to anxiety. If untreated anxiety is very dangerous and leads to mental disorder.

In simple terms, inner peace can only come from within oneself. It cannot be caused by other people or external things since other people and things are come and go leading to unhappiness. One cannot depend on someone else for happiness for when that person is no more, then, happiness will be no more. One can only be constantly happy if the happiness is from within one self. To be constantly happy, create peace with you. With that other external things will be irrelevant. In addition, with inner peace, one will have control over one’s life. One can do things by choice and not by circumstance.

Response to Simon Cherdy

Hi Simon, great work over there, autonomy is a good source of happiness. The fact that we get to choose what activities and habits we engage in can lead to happiness. I tend to disagree with your view that it all depends with what you want and like. Firsts, you cannot always do what you like, there are things that have limits. Take for serial killer who derives happiness from killing. This person cannot always do that for happiness for the law is against it. We do not always do things we like for there are other limitations to be considered.  In addition, what we want is not always achieved. Happiness can be constant if you are in control of your life meaning you can be able to assume the voices in your head. This will lead to inner peace which can be achieved through mediating now and then. Meditation helps in clearing the mind and concentrating on the important things that leads to happiness.

 Response to Chelsea Freeman

Hi Chelsea, great line of thought over there, happiness can only come from within oneself. It cannot be caused by other people or external things since other people and things are come and go leading to unhappiness. One cannot depend on someone else for happiness for when that person is no more, then, happiness will be no more. We think that being in a good relationship will make us happy but what will happen when that person is gone. The source of happiness will be no more. This is why happiness needs to come from within one self because you will always be there for yourself.  You should be happy by yourself first before being happy with someone or anything else. This way when that person or thing is no more, you will still be happy. People and things should just add happiness to us and not be the source of happiness.


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