Healthcare Organization in the U.S


The healthcare organization listing in the US is a process where different healthcare organization is being reviewed in accordance to the services they provide, the technology they have, number of patients in their systems among other factors in distinguishing the top fifteen healthcare organizations in the whole country.

Since the 1990’s US has been ranking the top healthcare organization in terms of patient care as the base factor and naming the skilled organization for high-level stake medical situation like performing a critical surgery. In making the top fifteen listing these are the factors that will be considered. The University of Michigan is an excellent example as it is always on the top listing due to its 880-bed hospital that offers urology and ophthalmology services (Seventeen Best Hospitals in the U.S).

The components of the top fifteen healthcare systems are that they improve the health status of individuals, families, and community at large due to its competence and well-skilled attributes in delivering standard healthcare. These organizations also protect its patients against a financial problem as they have an outlined way of engaging its clients on the mode of paying and lastly the other component is that these organizations do provide equitable access to all people who are centered care.

Ranking based on mortality and infection rates depends on the type of services the organization is providing. The mortality rate has been declining in the US in general, and these means all the organization has been failing at large (Seventeen Best Hospitals in the U.S.). To generally rank them we have to look at the relative mortality rate per disease in the circulatory system. The type of services provided by the healthcare organization is like inpatient care. It is required by the law and nature that any illness to a patient should be treated in any hospital and that the doctors have to arrange for the patient admission to the hospital directly. Another type of service offered by the healthcare organization is that of medical rescue service or an emergency service. These services are primarily designed to provide a pre-hospital emergency care to any persons who have severe health impairment or any individual who is facing a life-threating situation.

The current trends that will contribute to the future ranking of these organizations are the availability of technology. In future technology will be of importance as it plays a critical role in diagnosing and treating patient more concretely and accurately. Another trend is the availability of information, as technology grows so is the information which helps in deriving the healthcare problems in a seamless way (Molly & Peterson, 2018). Having patient’s data time to time, it will help in following the trend of the healthcare for each that’s making it easier to give proper medication. Lastly, to rank in the future, we look at the different delivery model from organization to organization to distinguish the best amongst them.

Organizations manage and distribute resources through teaming up with retail clinics as the patients are referred to these organizations when the health condition of an individual cannot be dealt with and vice versa. Teaming up with retail clinics means that there will be adequate medical care at any level. The other form of distributing resources is setting up mobile clinics to go near the patients and offer services and engaging with the patients more quickly (Molly & Peterson, 2018).




In conclusion, the primary factors in determining the listing of top fifteen healthcare organization are essential as it shapes the organization entirely and it makes it easier to distinguish between the hardworking ones and the ones sleeping. Technology is a critical factor as it helps in diagnosing patients and giving them proper healthcare of fundamental level.



Seventeen Best Hospitals in the U.S. Retrieved from;

Molly, M.  & Peterson, T.  (May, 2018). Ways Hospital Can Improve Healthcare Access. Retrieved from;

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