Healthcare Policy and Politics

Agenda Comparison Grid Template

Use this document to complete the Module 1 Assessment Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheets/Talking Points Brief.

Healthcare Issue  

The cost of healthcare


Healthcare has been very expensive for the middle and low class in the country and many administrations have come up with agendas to address the issue.


Administration (President Name) Donald J. Trump Barrack Obama George W. Bush


Describe the administrative  agenda focus related to this issue In a bid to make healthcare affordable to all Americans, the president came up with an executive order to reduce this cost. This is through the facilitation of the purchase of insurance covers across the various localities in the United States. It also facilitated the development and the operation of high quality and affordable health care system that will provide affordable prices to the public. This will be done by ensuring that there is competition between healthcare providers and, thus, leading to reduced costs which will be an advantage to the public. The president introduced the patent protection act which is commonly known as Obamacare. This agenda had the main aim of lowering the cost of healthcare for low-income earners in the country. Another objective is to reduce the quality of life for workers that do not receive insurance from their employers. The policy aimed at reducing the cost of emergency and chronic illness cost. It also subsidized the cost of medications for the elderly with income obtained from Obamacare taxes and on high-income families and healthcare providers. The president came up with the Medicare Act with the primary aim of reducing the cost of healthcare for the public. Its recipients were to pay $35 every month with $250 that was to be deducted for the drug prescriptions. The plan would then reduce the cost of medication by 75%. The law was to allow for the importation of drugs from countries that were cheaper including Canada provided that the drugs passed the standard quality for use in the country.

It also provided private insurance companies with subsidies to ensure that there is fair competition with the traditional Medicare.

Allocation of financial and other resources to this issue The administration would set aside funds from the budgetary allocations to facilitate the development of its policies. This will ensure that high-quality institutions are established that will provide affordable healthcare to the public. In order to implement this policy, the Obama administration introduced an increased tax towards high-income families and healthcare providers. The money obtained from this exercise will be channelled towards the subsidies that are presented in the order. By allowing the importation of drugs from countries that were cheaper. The administration ensured that the cost of drugs is significantly reduced to the public. There was also the allocation of funds from the annual budget towards the subsidization of medical costs.
Notes on Administration’s approach to the issue The administration would, therefore, expand access to association health plans and extend short term and limited duration insurance. The first step that the administration would take was to ban exclusions of preexisting conditions, introduce reforms to include young adults, and a ban on lifetime limits of healthcare coverage. The administration would, thus, start by repealing the laws to allow for the importation of drugs from cheaper countries to make them affordable for Americans
General Notes/Comments. The act would seem like a competition that would prove costly as compared to Obamacare This is arguably the best policy that Americans will access since it ensured affordable access to healthcare to the public as it taxed high-income earners to provide for the low income. This policy had been viewed to have positive impacts. However, its implementation would be costly to the public as it relied on subsidizing the cost of healthcare with taxes.

Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

How does the healthcare issue get on the agenda and how does it stay there?

The issue is introduced as an executive order which is then discussed and passed as a bill by parliament.

Who was the entrepreneur/champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected?

The President



A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies | USAGov. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | USAGov. Retrieved from

President Trump’s Cabinet. Retrieved from


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