How competition affects consumer decision

How competition affects consumer decision

Competition affects me in several ways, and as a consumer, I always have choices even when competition is the market does not exist. For instance, I might choose apple juice, water or beer over Pepsi and coca cola. Therefore, the competitiveness of companies in one way or another influences my purchasing decisions. I find it more appropriate to judge prices of similar products and arrive at a conclusion whether to purchase it or not. I tend to imagine how the market would be if there were one grocery in town, one automobile manufacturer and so forth. For one the grocer may find it hard to lower prices and the automobile manufacturer may find it harder or less motivated to offer a variety of vehicles and services. In essence, competition has regulated prices, improved consumer selection, and improved the quality of services and goods offered to the end user. Consumers enjoy quality services and products at consumer friendly choices a thing which would have been unlikely with a monopoly market (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2009).

Recently, I wanted to buy a laptop and Macbook was my priority considering the information I always have. However, prices of other PCs such as gave me a second thought. HP was cheaper and had almost the same features as Macbook. Its appearance was also attractive, and core technical features were standard. I opted for PC due to its price and quality. I believe that Apples Macbook was highly priced and somehow exaggerated. Apple and HP apply all strategies on an extensive brand advertisement. However, HP offers its laptops at consumer friendly prices and Apple seeks to exploit the high social class influence.



Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. D. (2009). Essentials of marketing. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.

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