How effective are international climate policies in addressing climate change?

How effective are international climate policies in addressing climate change?


Climate change is a global phenomenon to the extent that global warming informs the international climate debates. The urgent challenges of climate, which increase day by day has led to the formation of international organisations such as the United Nations Climate Change (UNCC), and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The organisation are at the forefront in the fight against the release of a harmful substance into the atmosphere, and misuse of the environment. The study, therefore, aims at determining how effective the policies championed by the international bodies are in addressing climate change.

Global climate policies.

IPCC, for instance, notes that achieving global warming of below two degrees Celsius requires halving of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide by 2050. The uphill task falls on developed countries, which must reduce more than eighty per cent of their emission into the atmosphere. Advanced developing countries, on the other hand, will have to lower the growth of discharge.

The Kyoto protocol signed into law by the United Nations member states sets binding emission targets to limit the volumes of gases emitted into the atmosphere (Grubb, Vrolijk, & Brack, 1997).

The Cancún Agreements of 2010 proposes an overall capacity- building, technology and financial assistance to enable developing countries to adopt climate sustainability measures to reduce the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere (Kartha and Erickson, 2011).

In 2011, the United Nations adopted the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action focused on new legal frameworks, and concentrate on the Green Climate Fund (Kulovesi, 2012).



In summary, international organisations have made tremendous progress in formulating climate change policies to proposing possible ways of addressing climate change, including technological and financial support. However, much still need to be done. Irfan notes that global warming continues at an alarming rate. Therefore the majority of measures do not work effectively.





Grubb, M., Vrolijk, C., & Brack, D. (1997). The Kyoto Protocol: A Guide and Assessment. Royal Institute of International Affairs Energy and Environmental Programme.

Irfan, U. (2018). Report: We Have Just 12 Years To Limit Devastating Global Warming. Available at

Kartha, S., & Erickson, P. (2011). Comparison of Annex 1 and Non-Annex 1 Pledges under the Cancun Agreements. Stockholm Environment Institute.

Kulovesi, K. (2012). A New Chapter in the UN Climate Change Negotiations. First Steps under the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. Climate Law3(2), 181-189.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Website]

Climate Action Summit, 23 September 2019.