Identify the following minerals using the Key provided. Place the names with the appropriate number.
Augite, Biotite, Calcite, Galena, Graphite, Gypsum, Halite, Hematite, Hornblende, Kaolinite, Microcline (Orthoclase), Muscovite, Plagioclase, Pyrite, Quartz
The mineral is dark in color with cleavage planes that are not at right angle. The mineral has two directions of cleavage at 60° and 120°. One direction is parallel to the top and bottom while the second is parallel to the front and back. However, the third direction (sides) is irregular in shape.
It has metallic luster with shiny and silver-gray color. The mineral has cleavage and it breaks in three directions that are perpendicular to each other.
The mineral has non-metallic luster and it is clear-white in color. Also, it portrays rhombohedral cleavage. It breaks in three directions. Two directions are 90° while the third one is slanted at an acute angle.
The mineral has metallic luster but no cleavage. However, it is shiny with silver-gray color.
The mineral has non-metallic luster. It has peachy-pink color and two directions of cleavage that are at right angle to each other.
The mineral has neither metallic luster nor cleavage. It is light in color. Precisely, the mineral is clear-translucent. Also, its crystal shape is hexagonal.
It has pearly non-metallic luster. It is clear-light brown in color with one plane of cleavage. Also, the mineral is transparent-translucent.
The mineral has metallic luster but no cleavage. It is brassy yellow portraying conchoidal fracture (smooth, glass-like breaks). Also, the mineral looks like a collection of cubic crystals.
The mineral has a dull non-metallic luster and its cleavage plane is at right angle to each other. It is also dark green in color.
It has non-metallic luster. Also, the mineral is light gray-white in color and has two planes of cleavage that are at right angle to each other.
The mineral has non-metallic luster. It is clear-white in color and also transparent-translucent. It has a cleavage in one direction.
It has non-metallic luster and clear-white color. Similarly, it is transparent- translucent. The mineral breaks in three directions of cleavage that are at right angle to each other. It has cubic cleavage.
The mineral has vitreous non-metallic luster. It is transparent-translucent and clear-black in color. Also, the mineral exhibits one plane of cleavage.
It has non-metallic luster and red-brown color. The mineral has no cleavage and its surface has small round nodules.
It has earthy non-metallic luster. The mineral is chalk-like and white in color. It does not have cleavage.
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