Influenza Evolution

Evolution refers to the change of the DNA. For example a change from one base to the other, deletion is a group of threes and short tandem repeats. Notably, this implies that tandem repeats pieces of DNA such as ATT and the copying enzyme will occur as ATT which then makes a copy of ATT and start to read a second ATT and finally falls off. It then attaches to the piece of RNA/DNA it is copying. The replica does not exactly know where it wants to reattached to and may either attach to the first or second ATT.  Depend on which piece it attaches, we end up with ATT ATT to ATTATT or ATTATT to ATT. This mechanism is known as repeat expansion and contraction.  The repeat expansions are common in eukaryotes. The mechanism brings about the existence of different races of people since it gives a diversity of phenotypes within species. The existing literature has not indicated the existence of repeat mechanism in viruses but contractions. Viruses do not have sexual reproduction. They multiply through re-assortment where they exchange genes amongst themselves.

Influence virus is an RNA virus which implies that its generic materials are encoded in RNA and not DNA. RNA is less stable compared to DNA. When in the body of the host, the virus can easily reproduce since there is no built-in checkup in the cell. If the viruses mistakenly copy the DNA, the cell is able to correct it hence hindering it from replicating. Mutation in the viruses occurs due to mistakes in copying the RNA which is not detected and corrected by the cells of the host.

Just like eukaryotes, Flu has recombination. They also have diversity just like human beings.  There are 8 genes having 8 unique sketches of RNA.  The sketches, however, can be mixed from different viruses.  For instance, a virus A with eight components and another virus B with the same number of components can yield a new virus which contains a combination of components of the two viruses. Re-assortment can be defined as an exchange of parentage.

Changes in the influenza virus may occur through two mechanisms; that is, antigenic drift and antigenic shift (re-assortment). In antigenic drifts, there are small changes in the genes of the viruses which occur during replication over some time. The genetic change results in viruses which are closely related and can share a common environment. However, the continuous change in the genetic composition ends with a totally different virus. In antigenic shift, there is an abrupt change in the viruses. The sudden change in the viruses brings about new hemagglutinin and/or new hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins in the influenza virus. Ordinarily, this type of  virus affects human beings.  Shift, therefore, gives rise to a new type of viruses which consist of hemagglutinin or a combination of both hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins.  Antigenic shift is occasional, unlike antigenic drift which is continuous. The type A virus go through both changes thus hard to control while type B changes through antigenic drift.

Influenza occurs in three main types namely; type A, B, and C. the primary emphasis is type A virus. Remarkably, this type of virus has a complex evolution which makes it hard to control and vaccinate against it. There are various sub-types of this virus which attack the different host. Selection in viruses makes the viruses to be resistant to drugs and also help organisms to adapt to different environment. If a mutation occurs with the presence of selection pressure then selection of the new mutant is achieved. For example, Influenza has continuously evolved due to the wide use of M2 and neuraminidase inhibitors thus becoming resistant. Some viruses which have not developed resistance will die while others which are already resistance will survive.

Influenza viruses have been introduced to human beings by animals. It is therefore important to have complete knowledge of Flu so as to detect any new type of influenza virus capable of attacking people and causing death and diseases. Having explicit knowledge of the evolution of the influenza virus is also essential while developing vaccines. Influenza viruses are able to adapt to various environmental conditions or developing resistance to various anti-biotic. Therefore, scientists should continuously introduce strong antibiotics as they eliminate obsolete ones. The government is also able to maintain a high level of public health based on a clear understanding of how and when the influenza viruses are likely to change. Understanding the emergence of new influenza strains will improve the efficiency of the vaccines in the market. Occasionally, mismatches between the existing vaccines and the influenza strains have positively contributed to the ineffectiveness of the antibiotics.

Influenza evolution has led to the establishment of national influenza centers where experts from different nations interact.  Such gatherings produce large data which is used during the development of antibiotics. The data is considerately important since scientist will be in a position to understand for example how antigenic drift, human behavior, and herd immunity jointly influence outbreaks.


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