Information system annotated bibliography

Agrawal, Swati and Kadir Abdul. HR Transformation through Human Resource Information System: Review of Literature. ProQuest, 2017. Retrieved From Https://Search.Proquest.Com/Openview/A6b5d61230f894c7d1ff22ca9cf35fc3/1?Pq-Origsite=Gscholar&Cbl=2030931

HRIS has transformed HR in terms of functionality. Through it, professionals have been able to deliver results quickly and efficiently (Agarwal and Abdul). However, not all companies can maximize the use of HRIS for multiple reasons. The text uncovers the reason why some organizations still face challenges concerning the system. Further, it explains the history of HRIS adoption in firms. Again, it reveals the functions that HRIS performs within firms. Finally, it looks into the challenges that the management encounters while using HRIS.

The text was useful because it explains the origins of HRIS and the challenges it brings to management and employees. Further, it illustrates the development of HRIS, which is vital in understanding the problems and possible solutions. Moreover, the paper, published in 2017 has relevant information concerning HRIS in organizations. The multiple subjects covered to make this text comprehensive.

Masum, Alam, Critical Factors Influencing Decision to Adopt Human Resource Information System (HRIS) In Hospitals. Plos One, 11 (8), 2016. Retrieved From Https://Journals.Plos.Org/Plosone/Article?Id=10.1371/Journal.Pone.0160366

The research explains the factors that drive organizations in adopting HRIS. According to Masum, there are misconceptions about HRIS that make organizations reject the idea of implementing HRIS in companies. Further, management is cited as a reason why delays occur. The size of the firm also influences the use of HRIS. Aware of these factors, Masum conducts a case study of hospitals in Bangladesh to understand whether these factors are prevalent in the healthcare sector. The researcher concluded that indeed, the elements he had identified are also commonplace in the healthcare industry.

Masum’s work is reliable for several reasons. Firstly, as a peer-reviewed article, its contents have been examined by experts in the field. Secondly, he analyzes the problems that organizations in general face concerning HRIS use. The case study on Bangladesh hospital to verify his ideas makes his work reliable. Again, the text was published in 2016, hence the findings are relevant.

Pani, Siddharth, Siddharth Kaur, Ravinder, and Chitranshi Jaya. The effectiveness of Human Resource Information System on HR Functions of an Organization. EBSCO, 15 (2), 2015.

HRIS is essential to HR because of the complex nature of firms and human resource. HRIS allows businesses to utilize systems to enhance efficiency. However, HRIS still has its challenges, especially in the early stages. Thus, the paper examines the importance of HRIS, its relevance in the business and how it is associated with traditional HR functions. To complete the study, management and HR personnel from IT, departments were interviewed. Lastly, the researchers encourage HR experts to upgrade their commitment to their companies concerning HRIS.

The paper examines the compatibility of HR in different organizations.By reviewing such factors, the text illuminates how the system influences top management functions. However, the emphasis on HR workers is biased towards those in the IT department. Hence, it is not possible to gain a comprehensive picture of how the system affects all workers. Regardless of this weakness, the paper is still well informed.

Shawabakhe, Khalid. Human Resource Information Systems and Their Impact on Human Resource Management Strategies: A Field Study in Jordanian Commercial Banks. Information and Knowledge Management, 5 (1), 2015. Retrieved From Https://Iiste.Org/Journals/Index.Php/IKM/Article/Viewfile/19438/19414

The paper analyses the effects of HRIS in HR functions. By examining current literature, Shawabkhe gathers details on HRIS use across different industries like banking. From the papers, he learns that HRIS has a substantial role in enhancing efficiency in HR activities. Shawabkhe states that his work is original as he tries to avail comprehensive details on HRIS in the banking industry. The limitation of the study is not having a large enough sample of documents for analysis form the banking industry.

The paper majorly focuses on the impact of HRIS in the banking industry. The focused approach eases one’s understanding of HRIS in particular sectors, as opposed to generalizations. Moreover, it uses a wide range of literature, which means that it contains valuable knowledge gathered by other experts, hence, reliable. The resource is also less than five years old, hence, includes relevant information.

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