Internet Presence: Riviera Cleaners Company

Riviera Cleaners Company will use the following strategies to get the company noticed on the internet sites and stores. First, the marketing team will establish profiles on major social media platforms. The company will set up profiles on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram, and update them with content on a regular basis. Second, the marketing team will create unique and shareable content. The team will create original and valuable content for the target audience and share them a cross the established social media platforms. For instance, the marketing team will create interesting videos and share them. Third, the company will use paid search such as Google AdWords. This internet tool will provide the company with marketing and search engine optimization services.

The company will invest enough in the online presence to drive leads and support sales. Since the company is new in the market, we shall invest at least $10,000 annually to our online presence. Areas the money will be allocated include improving the website, social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn ads. Also, the company will allocate money on Pay per Click advertising and SEO.

The company will use the following metrics to determine the effectiveness of the website. First, the company will look at the number of unique new visitors. The number of visits to the company’s website will tell us how our marketing campaign is driving traffic. Second, the marketing team will use landing page conversion rate. The company will measure the effectiveness of the website by setting goals in Google Analytics. The tool is significant for lead generations (Saleh & Shukairy, 2011). The company will know they are getting the right people if the ratio of visits to downloads is increasing. Third, the company will use social metrics. The metrics will include new followers, likes, subscribers, comments and channel views that are relevant to the company’s social media sites.



Saleh, K., & Shukairy, A. (2011). Conversion optimization. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.

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