Interprofessional Team

Controlling chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) is one of the biggest challenges facing health care sectors in nearly every nation around the world. The challenges imamate from the idea that these chronic diseases trigger various complex patients’ needs such as socio-economical and health problems. Solving these complex needs associated with patients suffering from the NCD requires multidisciplinary or interprofessional teamwork. (Reeves, Pelone, Harrison, Goldman,& Zwarenstein, 2017). The interprofessional team refersto an initiative taken by individuals with knowledge and skills from different relevant fieldsto achieve a specific health goal through controlling the complex needs in patients suffering from NCD and is arguably crucial in meeting health care demands among patients.

Evidently, solving the complex problems related to chronic infections requires a combination of varied medical skills that can only be achieved through making use of an ideal mix of professionals with vast knowledge on every health aspect (Powell, Doty,Casten, Rovner, & Rising, 2016). In a community set up, an assumption is that most of the residents have little healthcare information, which makes it challenging to control most diseases. Consequently, it would be essential to build a team of health professionals with knowledge and skills in guidance and counseling, all types of diagnosis, team science, cultural humility, patient safety, andtherapy administration (Foronda, MacWilliams,& McArthur, 2016). The team would be designed to contain individuals with different professions such as public health, nursing, management, and pathology. Combining all these skills in assisting the societal members in meeting their primary health needs would automatically result in quality public health.

Ultimately, interprofessional teamwork is a very vital strategy of ensuring primary needs of patients suffering from chronic diseases are met. The interdisciplinary approach to solving patients’ needs is one of the best health care strategy of securing the manipulation of essential skills aimed at achieving an ultimate health care goal.



Foronda, C., MacWilliams, B., & McArthur, E. (2016). Interprofessional communication in healthcare: an integrative review. Nurse education in practice19, 36-40.

Powell, R. E., Doty, A., Casten, R. J., Rovner, B. W., & Rising, K. L. (2016). A qualitative analysis of interprofessional healthcare team members’ perceptions of patient barriers to healthcare engagement. BMC health services research16(1), 493.

Reeves, S., Pelone, F., Harrison, R., Goldman, J., & Zwarenstein, M. (2017). Interprofessional collaboration to improve professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6).

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