Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

I have worked with a company involved with the production and selling of households and other auxiliary products. During my time at this organization, I was given the initiative to choose between two departments. That was between the marketing and the human resource department. Based on my passion, I went for the marketing department. For me, it is thrilling and quite enticing.

During the period of operation at this organization, there were several rewards being provided to employees. They were both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards included meaningful work, progression and positive communication. Meaningful work emanated from the activities that employees are involved in. most of the activities are relevant based on the qualifications that employees possess. In most organizations, employees get involved with activities that are not complementing their qualifications and personal desires. Creating such an environment brings about the worth of one’s education. This acts as a motivation aspect since employees give their best shot while trying to prove their worth (Daft, 2011). Progression is based on the knowledge gained through the period of operation in this organization. There are a series of activities that take place in an ascending order. As one executes one activity, it builds a platform for execution of the other activities. Positive communication comes along with the way information is relayed in the organization. This is includes communication from the top level management to the junior employees.  There is an essence of respect and equality. Using of intimidation is decoyed through this structure.

On the other hand, extrinsic rewards include promotions, increased remuneration, paid leave and employee engagement. Promotions are triggered by the quality of work brought forward by employees. In this organization, operating for a long period in the organization is not a basis of promotion. Level of competence that an employee possesses is vital when making this decision. This means that new employees in the organization have the opportunity of being promoted.  Increased remuneration comes along in terms of bonuses and overtime payments. Overtime payments are granted to employees that work beyond the normal working hours (Daft, 2011). This usually happens when a day’s objectives have not been met in the specified duration. Bonuses on their part are provided based on the amount of profit generated in a specified period of time. Paid leave is provided for employees that have been impressive with their work. At this period, an employee is at free will to do what he or she likes. Employee engagement on the other hand has been enhanced by the organization’s culture. The company has devised a culture that prompts individuals to work in partnership. This aspect has helped in improving the engagement process.

The above rewards have brought about motivational and satisfaction aspects. To begin with, meaningfulness motivates employees since they are aware that they improving on their abilities as they execute the stipulated duties. Experience gained in the process can act as a stepping stone in other future endeavors. It becomes demoralizing for employees when they get involved with activities that do not add value to their lives (Thomas, 2002). . However, if the opposite is the case there is an aspect of satisfaction generated. Progression is a motivating factor on my side. I am one of those individuals with the passion of learning new ideologies now and then. This is through executing different tasks. Here, one begins with the basic concepts and advances with the complex ones as time goes by. The aspect is triggered by the desire that I possess of owning my own business in the future. Aspect of progression learnt in the organization will be very helpful once I initiate my own venture. It will be easier to overcome the transition challenges. Positive communication on its part creates a conducive environment at the workplace. When the managers are not using mechanisms of intimidation and coercion there is some form of leverage developed. This creates the motivation of giving the best towards the organization’s success.

Extrinsic rewards like promotions also bring about the motivational aspect. Being promoted in any organization comes along with numerous benefits. Among them are increased responsibilities and wages. Everyone wants to earn as much as possible hence making the promotional aspect very intriguing. There is also the reduction of supervision from the relevant personnel.  Increased remuneration through overtime payment and bonuses is also a motivational factor. The ultimate reason why people get involved with employment activities is the wage (Lauby, 2005). If there were no wages, people would not be willing to offer their services. As a result, anything that tends to increase the wage levels acts as a motivation on their side. There is satisfaction that comes along with having huge pay cheques. Paid leave is very motivational for people that are need of making some progression in their lives. Among the things that can be done during this time include furthering one’s education. This would mean favorable opportunities in the future. The engagement process on its part helps in creating an essence of belonging. When one feels as a member of the organization, there will be the incentive of being more productive.

Despite the success of the rewards involved in the organization, there are several changes that I would make to help improve my performance level. They would affect both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. For intrinsic aspect, I would strive in enhancing the ideology of setting goals. This would be enhanced by the organization setting target and strict deadlines on the activities being executed. The whole idea should be integrated in the organization’s culture. It would trigger me in setting goals based on the tasks that have been presented to me. There would be motivational aspects since I would be working to attain these goals. Working towards meeting my objectives has been critical in my life. To me, it is very demoralizing once I have fallen short in attaining my desired goals. For this reason, setting an enabling environment for setting goals would boost my level of performance immensely.

For extrinsic purposes, paid vacations by the organization would be a good addition. Travelling and meeting new people has also always been a hobby in my life. I like it based on the benefits it brings about. Through the vacations I will have time to visit places with different structures and people from where I come from. This provides a favorable platform for learning new things. It also helps in developing contacts in many regions. The contacts might prove beneficial in the long-run. Bringing forth such an addition in the reward scope would get me going. My level of performance would increase without any doubt based on the benefits to be accrued.




Daft, R. L. (2011). Understanding management (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage   Learning.

Lauby, S. J. (2005). Motivating employees. Alexandria, Va.: ASTD Press.

Thomas, K. W. (2002). Intrinsic motivation at work: building energy and commitment. San            Francisco, Calif.: Berrett-Koehler ;.