IoT Analytics: Internet of things in healthcare delivery

IoT Analytics: Internet of things in healthcare delivery

Research Topic

Internet of things in healthcare delivery.

Background and Justification

The internet of things is the new buzz in internet and consists of networks among networks connecting the world into a global village (Weber & Weber, 2010). The efficiency with which the concept integrates into companies, individuals and multinational organizations is a spectacle never seen before. Ultimately, the concept has applications in almost all spheres of life and it is only right that healthcare adopts the same concept. The healthcare sector faces a myriad of challenges in both administrative and professional aspects. Perhaps, most of these challenges stem from the fact that the healthcare sector has lagged behind in the implementation of information systems (Patil & Seshadri, 2012). Even when such systems have been integrated in healthcare centers, they have largely focused on administration and record keeping. In turn, this development has left the professional administration of healthcare exposed and not benefitting from the advances in information technology.

The rationale for this research is based on past research developments in similar topics. Today, healthcare providers both local and international have continually aligned themselves towards the use of information systems thus transforming their operations into user centered and coordinated centers. To a large extent, these organizations have increased the application of internet of things ion their daily operations (Tarouco et al, 2012). In particular, record keeping has been enhanced leading to better sharing of information among the professionals and with customers. The benefit of such initiatives is that they lead to a general improvement in the quality of healthcare advanced to patients across the world. This paper thus analyzes the application of such initiatives in improving healthcare efficiency while increasing the quality of car advanced. Ultimately, the extended role of internet of things in other tenets of healthcare such as prescription and drug administration are also explored.

Aims and Objectives

This research aims to identify the different channels and avenues through which healthcare can benefit from internet of things. This is attained through a focus on the different concepts of internet of things that are applicable in the healthcare sector. In light of the benefits of internet of things, this paper focuses on the applicability of different concepts in the administration of efficient healthcare services. Ultimately, the main objective of the paper is to analyze the role that internet of things play in the betterment of healthcare. This goal is attained through an inclination towards the issue of quality healthcare in the local and international sphere.


The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative aspects of research in meeting the objectives outlined. In view of this, the research will use questionnaires and interviews to gather data from doctors and other health professionals that use the concept. Each section of the questionnaire will be used to test one hypothesis. Scheduled interviews will also be used to collect data on the applicability of the concepts in healthcare delivery. Most of the data to be used in this study will be open sourced from different websites and libraries that are within the reach of the researcher. Despite the ease in accessing these data, the researcher faces specific barriers in the process of data collection. Further, the researcher expects to deal with hostile respondents that may fear their views may be published. Still, some of the practitioners scheduled for interviews are very busy people and procuring appointments from them is no easy task. Regardless, these challenges will be offset through proper planning and ethical considerations in research.

It is expected that the paper will achieve all the objectives and come up with useful recommendations for bettering the quality of healthcare. In addition, the researcher expects that there is a clear relationship between efficient implementation of internet of things and the enhancement of quality in healthcare delivery. Ultimately, the research findings will be of great importance in the subject of healthcare as they will draw a link with the use of information systems. There is no doubt that the methodology in use could be open to biasness in the course of the researcher. In light of this, the researcher intends to evaluate the methodology through validity tests to measure the effectiveness of each step. As such, a pretest will be conducted prior to the actual study to measure the effectiveness of the methodology. The importance of this study and its findings cannot be underestimated. The conduct of this study is important as it sets a precedent in the areas of healthcare and information technology. Although the link has been explored before, this research uses data from direct users of the concept. Ultimately, the results of the study are authentic as they reflect the true nature on the ground.


Plan of Action

Task description Project Months      
September October November December
Problem identification X
Outlining of objective X
Outlining of research question X
Review of Chapter One  X
Review of Chapter Two  X
Review of chapter three  X
complete Project proposal  X
Data collection  X
Data analysis  X
Complete Project Report  X
 Submission of complete Project Report  X



Weber, R. H., & Weber, R. (2010). Internet of Things (Vol. 12). New York, NY, USA:: Springer.

Patil, H. K., & Seshadri, R. (2012). Internet of Things in healthcare.

Tarouco, L. M. R., Bertholdo, L. M., Granville, L. Z., Arbiza, L. M. R., Carbone, F., Marotta, M., & de Santanna, J. J. C. (2012, June). Internet of Things in healthcare: Interoperatibility and security issues. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 6121-6125). IEEE.


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