The Knowledge Gap and Learning Domain

The knowledge gap refers to the difference between the customer’s expectations of the services the organization provides and the management’s perception of the services it offers (Menkhoff, Evers & Chay, 2010).

The cognitive domain entails how individuals acquire, process and use their knowledge. Similarly, it involves recalling facts, procedures, and concepts that are useful in the development of intellectual skills (Tomei, 2005). The knowledge gap for this domain is the lack of management know-how. For this case, the learning activity includes the following. Given details of the relationship between the organization and the workers, students will be able to identify and explain ways of improving work practices in the health care organization in one paragraph.

The affective domain focuses on people’s attitudes, values, and emotions due to the training process. The knowledge gap for this domain is employee’s participation in decision-making process. The learning activity is that upon completion of the topic, the student should be able to participate actively in class discussions.

The psychomotor domain encompasses learning outcomes that deal with physical skills (Tomei, 2005). The knowledge gap for this domain is problem-solving know-how. Employees lack the equipment and technique to solve vital organizational problems. The learning activity is that students should be able to use their personal computers and draw a graph showing the trend of employees’ performance in an organization given the data.



Menkhoff, T., Evers, H.-D., & Chay, Y. W. (2010). Governing and managing knowledge in Asia. Singapore: World Scientific.

Tomei, L. A. (2005). Taxonomy for the technology domain. Hershey, Penns: Information Science Pub.


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