Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth


This report details the intended courtroom trial of the character Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The findings in this report are intended for my fellow group mates and for use in the prosecution of the case against Macbeth. Macbeth is the main character in the play and is depicted as a power hungry tyrannical ruler who kills the current king to take power. The selection of Macbeth for prosecution is based on his tyrannical rule and the oppression of his people in the kingdom. Further, the thirst for power makes him an ideal bet as he commits many crimes to achieve the power including the killing and maiming of citizens. The description of the character by the author as a tyrannical ruler perfectly displays his attitude towards Macbeth and such rulers in society. Accordingly, the character is important in teaching the lesson that power hunger does not help especially when pursued at the expense of people’s lives. The report identifies Macbeth’s criminal cases of murder and treason including the killing of the king, his two chamberlains, Banquo, Macduff’s family and the attempted killing of Fleance.

Argumentation/ Critique

Macbeth is described as tyrannical ruler whose hunger for power drives him to commit crimes beyond his understanding. Consequently, the most significant crime committed by the character is treason in which he overthrew the existing king and took his power. The fact that Macbeth harbored thoughts of having the kingdom to himself amounts to treason because it resulted to the killing of the king. Indeed, the communication between Macbeth and his wife can form substantive evidence to convict Macbeth for the crimes. Through this communication, one can unravel the plot to assassinate the king and the insistence from his wife to take his chances. Also, the killing of the two chamberlains is also proof that Macbeth was guilty of treason. Further, the attempted murder on Fleance who is Banquo’s son provides evidence to convict Macbeth of treason and murder. The defense could argue that the king was murdered by his two chamberlains as Macbeth had envisioned. The absence of witnesses to support the prposecution’s case is quite challenging and might result in a loss for the prosecution.

Still, Macbeth qualifies for charges of murder on several victims including Banquo, the king, his two chamberlains and Macduff’s wife and children. In the first instance, Macbeth orchestrates the murder of the king and frames it on his two chamberlains. Later, Macbeth kills the two chamberlains in “anger” for their alleged participation in the killing the king. The fact that Macbeth killed the two chamberlains is evidence of his involvement in the king’s killing. Further, he hires murderers to kills Banquo with success but they fail in their attempt to kill Fleance, Banquo’s sons. Fleance is an important witness in the prosecution of this case as he can be used to identify the hired men and explain their role in the killing of his father. In addition, the killing of Macduff’s wife and children can be prosecuted through the witness of Macduff himself. However, the defense also has a strong case since most of the accusations can be interpreted by the court as mere hearsay. In this case, the defense could argue that Macbeth had no direct role in the killing of the victims and that there is no evidence implicating him. That notwithstanding, Macbeth can be charged as a direct perpetrator of the victims’ murder.

The process of reading and watching the Macbeth play has provided a significant evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, I have realized that reading is not a passive activity but an active interaction whereby strategies must be initiated in achieving effective comprehension. Particularly, the use of note-taking and analysis has been helpful in identifying areas of interest within the play. The most difficult parts of the play were best tackled when I employed the strategies of note-taking, analysis and evaluation in the play. In addition, the use of these strategies in reading and watching the play has helped in pointing out important criminal cases for prosecution. Further, the collection of evidence was also reliant on the strategies to provide actionable and supporting evidence against the accused. I hope to use these skills in advancing the courtroom presentation and especially the generation and organization of the prosecution.


The report finds that Macbeth has a case to answer regarding his involvement in murder and treason. Indeed, the play has immense evidence to support these claims based on witnesses and communications intercepted between the suspect and other characters. Ultimately, Macbeth is guilty of the charges of murder and treason. Evidence in support of these cases includes his communication with his wife and the use of witnesses such as Macduff’s and Fleance to support the prosecution case. However, the defense may argue that the character was not actually involved in the actual killing of the victims. That notwithstanding, Macbeth’s direct involvement in the murder of the victims provides compelling evidence to show his guilt in the cases.


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