Management concept in job designing

The business world provides several divergent opinions about the strengths of a good leader in management (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). Therefore, as a student, I would say my strengths in the management include effective communication, social skills, listening skills, confidence, teamwork as well as determination. It is important to realize that communication provides the best opportunity to speak about the organization’s goals. Social skill is also vital in management since people get to meet strangers every day to discuss issues of business (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). Listening is also an important skill that is crucial in the management of teams at work. I also feel that I have high confidence coupled with a strong sense of determination. The aspect of confidence and determination enables a person to continue to focus on the goals of the organization without changing the cause of direction due to challenges. Remember management process is always a difficult task due to the numerous setbacks such as poor communication, ineffective leadership, and conflicts. Therefore, this paper, thus, discusses scientific concepts of management as well as how it can be used to create an ideal position for a student with effective communication, determination, social skills, listening skills, confidence and teamwork ability.

The scientific concepts of management best fit my strengths. I like the use of science to determine the most effective method of executing a task at work instead of depending on an individual’s judgment (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). It is vital to realize that the scientific management concept fits my strengths because it is based on specialization and standardization. The work is divided into a sequence of smaller units. The work gets split to other employees depending on the task that best fits their abilities, training, and specialization. The strengths such as the ability to work in a team provide the best opportunity in this management concept because it makes it easy to communicate the goals to the employees. The determination and social skills are also useful in finding a working pattern with other employees. Listening skills are also a strength that is useful in the scientific concept of management where work gets divided into smaller units based on the employee’s specialization. For instance, there is a need to listen to what the other workers have to say regarding the direction of work.

The management concept of scientific management can be used to divide the task that needs completion into small units that match the skills and training of the other employee’s at work (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). Remember an organization employs different workforce such as the general manager, human resource and the supervisor who makes sure that the entire employees complete their tasks. The basis for creating different positions at work is for the organization to benefit from the various training and expertise of the workforce. For instance, the management concepts can be applied to the creation of a supervision position for the student in the organization (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). The student has good leadership qualities such as effective communication, social and listening skills, teamwork ability, confidence, and determination. It is essential to know that these attributes can play a vital role in the supervision of other workers. The student will effectively communicate explicit messages to the workers about the places that need more efforts as well as the areas that need re-evaluation. The scientific management approach is vital for the managing of employees especially by a leader who has excellent communication, social, listening and teamwork skills at work.

The proposed role of supervision best fit the student because of the ability to effectively communicate and interact with employees (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). Employees need constant supervision to complete their work and since the student has personal attributes that can promote good understanding with the other employees, it would so much easy for the student to supervise work. For instance, the employees would quickly approach the supervisor if there is a need. The supervisor develops a personal relationship between him and the employees; it is that connection that enables the organization to work as a standard unit based on respect and understanding to meet the goals of the organization. The aspect of listening to what employees need to say makes them feel part of the organization. The employees that feel part of the organization are not only motivated, but they also feel valued, and in most situations, they respond by working hard and committing more efforts to the realization of the organization’s goals.

The role of the supervisor is to make sure that he provides ongoing support and guidance to the employees through facilitating diversity and differences at work, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, leadership as well as solving conflicts (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). The supervisor’s ability to set boundaries to revolve around the issues of value, creating a structure that facilitates work while also communicating what needs to be achieved precisely and clearly. The authorities, in this case, contain the intended consequence for failing to act within the demands of the role assigned to each employee at work. It is vital for all the employees to complete their tasks to enable the organization to achieve its goals without attracting outcry and legal suits any quarters

The job of supervision fits with management responsibilities such as planning, controlling, organizing and leading in multiple ways (Shapiro & Bartlett, 2018). For instance, the work of supervision entails proper planning of the number of days for the completion of work. The supervisor leads the employees while also controlling the division of tasks into smaller units that fit the training of the workforce. It is also the supervisor who can engage in the evaluation of the organization of the employees’ wages based on the work completed especially in situations of the casual workers.

In conclusion, it is better to identify the management that fits the skills and training of an individual before they get recruited for work. People possess different skills; however, it is vital to realize that these skills can be used in different parts of the organization. Knowing the abilities of employees before they are recruited enables the employers to identify their strengths.


Shapiro, J. L., & Bartlett, M. (2018). Concepts and Management Strategies. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology: Theories and Applications.

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