Memo to Restaurant Inspectors

Enforcing health and safety statutes in restaurants will not necessarily result in better/improved life for the consumers and employees

The aspect of restaurant inspectors enforcing varied health and safety statutes comes with the notion that this will help improve the quality of services that consumers receive. Through these inspections, the relevant stakeholders are able to mitigate aspects of food borne diseases that might be prevalent. Consumers and employees are also protected from having varied injuries that might prove to be detrimental.

This aspect is said to improve the quality of life of the consumers (which it does to some extent). When consumers are protected from food borne diseases, they save a lot of expenditures. This is because they will be required to seek medical assistance, which comes at a cost. The same thing applies to the injuries that would be acquired as a result of various safety violations.

Despite these positive aspects, there is another angle that can be used to assess this issue. When restaurant inspectors begin to enforce health and safety statutes, there will be a decrease in the number of restaurants and the prices being charged will be higher. The inspections will usually come out with varied violations in some restaurants. In turn, this will result to the closer of these restaurants.  The closures are likely to affect the demand and supply in the restaurant’s industry. As the supply of restaurants decreases, there will be an increase in the demand for the services. This will lead to prices rising in the remaining restaurants. This will affect the consumers and make their life worse off.

Closure of restaurants will also result in unemployment. The lives of the now unemployed staff would become worse. This gives an insight in concluding that enforcing health and safety statutes in restaurants will not necessarily result in better/improved life for the consumers and employees.

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