Ministering To a Post Church Society


Throughout the start of the 21st century, there has been a steady decline in the number of members in Afrikaans churches in South Africa (Sekhaulelo 2016). Not only are people leaving these churches there are also many church members who are rarely participating in church activities.  The Afrikaans churches are not the only churches struggling in the21st century.  Many churches worldwide are feeling the effects of secularization. In looking at the global trends of how societies are changing, one can recognize challenges we share and learn from each other. One of the difficulties the Afrikaans churches face is how to be the church in a society when you have little to no political support. In the past, the Afrikaans churches relied heavily on political and ideological frameworks to help create a Christian organization willing to follow the church.  Without this support, many congregations struggle to keep their flock together. Unfortunately, in the battle to survive financially, these congregations have neglected the needs of the local community and are becoming even more marginalized members of the community. In rural towns, many groups had to close their doors.

Thesis Statement

Millennials leave or distance themselves with the church because they want to be heard, to participate, and to be accepted. The adoption of technology in the church will bring about a pedagogical approach in ministering to millennials that allows them to be heard, to participate, and to feel accepted.

Objectives of the Study

The primary aim is to evaluate the effect of technology on developing inclusivity and understanding for millennials in the church.

Specific Objectives

  1. To evaluate the role of technology in communication with millennials
  2. To assess the role of technology in millennials participation in church activities
  3. To determine the role of technology in creating a feeling of acceptance for millennials in the church

Research Questions

  1. How does technology improve communication between the church and millennials?
  2. How does technology affect millennials participation in church activities?
  3. Does technology create a feeling of acceptance among millennial churchgoers?

Literature Review

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