Narrative on Eating Disorder

Eating disorders

Eating disorders refer to a group of illnesses that are defined by irregular eating habits and severe distress due to concerns about bout body weight or shape. The well-being of an individual can be damaged excessive or inadequate intake of food. The most common types of eating disorders are Binge eating, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. Although the diseases can occur at any stage in life, they mostly occur during teenage and young adulthood (Andersen, 2017). Kate is one of the young ladies who struggled with eating disorders as a teenager. She underwent through the distress of cutting on certain foods, dieting, not eating at all and eating every day with the aim of fitting into the right shape and weight as per the standards of the society. The essay provides an account of a young lady who struggled with eating disorders during her teenage.

Kate’s experience

Kate started dieting while in high school. She had had a far much bigger body size than girls of her age when she joined high school. The pressure to have the ideal weight and shape made her miserable. She lost so much weight at one point that her family became helpless and distressed. She was taken to many doctors but with little success. Kate suffered from anorexia and bulimia. Bulimia is a mean disease that made Kate make food her drug. She could do anything to get food. Kate experienced alternating episodes of binging on junk food and purging. Her family found it rough since no medication seemed to work. She considered food to be her only source of support and comfort for many years. Initially, she thought that her condition was normal but later came to the realization that she was sick.

The turning point

Kate eventually recovered from her distress after she was offered a residential treatment for her eating disorder. The holistic treatment approach was a turning point that completely transformed her life. The holistic treatment approach was based on personal empowerment, validation, and self-acceptance (Brownell & Walsh, 2017). Group therapy sessions immensely helped Kate overcome her condition. Her family also received tools and resources that she required to get better. Kate’s family was delighted when she fully recovered from her eating disorders.



Andersen, A. E. (2017). Eating disorders: A guide to medical care and complications. JHU Press.

Brownell, K. D., & Walsh, B. T. (Eds.). (2017). Eating disorders and obesity: A comprehensive handbook. Guilford Publications.

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