NR631 Week 5 Deliverables and Critical Success Factors(CSF)

NR631 Week 5 Deliverables and Critical Success Factors(CSF)


The process of project management has five phases:(1) design and initiation, which you just completed;(2) finalizing your plan before implementation, which you will do now; (3) implementation;(4) monitor and control; and finally, (5) evaluation and lessons learned (as well as knowledge transfer).


During Phase 2 (finalizing the project plan), you will continue to create the tools and documents you will need when you implement your project as the project manager in Phase 3.


Week 4: Communications Plan

Week5: Deliverables and Critical SuccessFactors (CSFs)

Week6:WorkBreakdown Structure(WBS) andGanttChart

Week7:RiskManagementandHumanResource Management Plans

Itis important fora project manager toknowand track everydeliverable aswell as the critical success factors(CSFs). Always remember toplan, plan, and plan again. Makingsurethat you have identified andlisted everydeliverable as well as defining the CSFsis time well spent.Thetime you spendthinking and discussing canbe classified as scientificor technological explorationor investigation.


Each deliverable mustbeknown and is discussed in the scope document. These are critical to identify in orderto moveforwardwith the projectplan andensure a successfulproject. If a deliverable is overlooked and left out, the project will be considered a failure. Thedeliverables arerelatedtotheworkoftheproject. Itisthroughthe project activities that thedeliverables arecompletedordeveloped.Adeliverablecould besomething that was completed(ifit was aservice performed) ordeveloped (ifitwas anewsoftwarepackage).No matterwhatthedeliverable is, thereisworkassociatedwith the development. Inorderforyou toproceed with yourwork-breakdown structures andcompletion milestones, you must knowwhatneedsto be done.Reviewand re-reviewto glean everydeliverable. This iswhyitisso important toreflecton allofthedeliverables at thispoint in themanagement ofyourproject.


The CSFs arethose characteristicsor attributesthatare essentialforyour projecttosucceed. According to Sipes, “These are the key areas where things must go right in order for the project to succeed” (pp. 86–87).Examples of how to complete the forms can be found in the course textbook, Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, on p. 86 (Tables 4.7 and 4.8). Review yourproject documentsand analyze yourdatato determine your CSFs.Be sure to include metrics. If metrics are not included, you will not be able to measure or evaluate your project in Phase 5.Whatisthescope ofyourproject,andhowwillyou collecttherequired data?


Workwith your mentortocompletethedocument as an appendix attached to the professional paper. Itisalwaysbettertohave more input ratherthan less.Discuss and seekconsensuswith your mentoronthe deliverables andCSFsforyourproject.Toassist you, thereisadocument you will use and attach as an appendix to the paper you submitas well as a sample of the documentinCourse Resources.


Due Date: Sundayat 11:59 p.m.MTat the endof Week5


Total Points Possible: 50


  1. Completethe Deliverables and CSF document. Attach documents as appendices to a professionally written paper explaining what you are doing.
  2. Grammar, spelling,punctuation, references,andcitations must be consistent withformal academicwriting and APAformatasexpressedinthesixth edition of the manual.