Nursing Informatics

My score in the “Pretest for Attitude towards Computers in Healthcare”, (P.A.T.C.H) was 67. I used the v3 scale that places my attitude at the range of 53 to 69. Individuals in the category have several strengths concerning the use of computers in healthcare. For instance, they are comfortable using computer applications that are user-friendly. The interpretation is correct because I enjoy using computer applications such as Excel to sort and store data. Excel is simple to use because it enables me to save time when finding averages or summation of large data sets. Besides, I believe that healthcare computer applications such as electronic health records (EHR) enable healthcare professionals such as nurses to access useful information regarding patients and provide quality healthcare services.

I am also aware of the importance of computers in various settings. For instance, advancement in computer technologies such as informatics has led to the development of applications that provide real-time information about patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension (Mary, 2014). Medical personnel equip patients with wearable devices that transmit their physiological changes to a monitor for interpretation and action. My v3 P.A.T.C.H interpretation indicates that I have a realistic view of the capabilities of computers today. I believe that computers have solved and will continue to provide solutions to most of the healthcare challenges. Advancement in computer informatics has simplified the work of bedside nurses greatly. One individual in front of a monitor can access real-time information about various patient wardrooms and share the information with the nurses in charge to take necessary action (Mary, 2014). I desire to learn about and how to use most of the healthcare computer applications that simplify the work of healthcare professionals and improve the quality of healthcare for patients.


Mary J.(2014). Decision through Data Analytics in healthcare. Healthcare management program, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

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