Nursing Management and Leadership

Nursing Management and Leadership

Banner Healthcare was established in 1999 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). It was a consequence of the merger between the Samaritan Health System and the Lutheran. Banner Health Care is based in Phoenix in the state of Arizona (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). It is important to know that Banner Healthcare is one of the leading health care systems in the U.S; it employs many people and operates numerous hospitals in America (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). It is known for the provision of quality services such as emergency care services, palliative care, outpatient surgery systems, laboratory services, pharmacy services, rehabilitation care services, and screening.

The readiness of Banner healthcare in addressing the health needs of its citizens in the next decade 

The banner is always future-oriented in terms of how they can continue delivering quality services to the American people (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). Banner is ever conscious of how they regularly address the needs of customers since it is the only way to improve the trust with their loyal customers. Banner has a lean startup system that allows it to change everything (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). The lean startup plan enables it to expand and improve service coverage to the number of patients that the hospital can regularly attend (Kuhn & Lehn, 2015). The arrangement comprises of the acquisition of new equipment and the improvement of the departmental technologies, enhancement of leadership effectiveness as well as the competency of the healthcare providers through specialization and division of labor.

According to Banner, the expansion of service coverage in many American states translates into the prompt medical care to the people regardless of the location (Cummings & Worley, 2014). The organization relates its ability to expand to other parts of the country to its capacity to reach the less fortunate people from society. It now intends to expand its services to all the American state through awarding of the membership certificates especially to the more interested states (Cummings & Worley, 2014). Banner also plans to revolutionize its digital technologies because it appreciates the role of technology in the provision of quality care (Cummings & Worley, 2014). For instance, Banner has established comprehensive data information technology and internet programs. Banner recognizes the need for a useful technology to help in the enhancement of time management, prudent use of resources such as money and proper management of the human resource to the ultimate advantage of the American people

The organization also intends to introduce more training programs and opportunities to enable it to improve the competency of the workforce (Blank, 2013). Remember the competency of the healthcare providers depends on the programs put into place to enable the human resource to refresh and sharpen their skills for more future success (Blank, 2013).

What is more exciting is the fact the Banner also plans to expand its emergency units (Blank, 2013). The quality services are already attracting a considerable population of the American people seeking to improve their health status. The expansion of the emergency units will allow the hospital to solve the issue of congestion that sometimes leads to casualties (Blank, 2013). Banner has also provided a framework for the specialization of human resource in line with their area of duty. For instance, if an employee is assigned a responsibility like a pediatrics, gynecological, unit, obstetric or any other unit such as surgery, then the organization expect the employee to be assigned strictly by professionalism (Blank, 2013). It is a plan that will allow it to improve its efficiency as well as the experience of the workforce since personnel only work on the area that they fit best. It is important to know that these plans if adequately executed will contribute to the ability of Banner to address the pressing needs of their patients in the next decade

Strategic plans for Banner healthcare

The growth of the network

The banner knows and appreciates the role of the network to its success (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). It is, therefore, essential to understand that the strategy puts more emphasis on the improvement of the future network programs around the states that have adopted a general relationship and partnership (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). For instance, Banner has chosen to expand communication centers in these states fitted with medical electronic gadgets to facilitate the process of communication between the branches and the headquarters’ based in Phoenix-Arizona (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). The advantage of the communication centers as well as the advanced electronic technology to ensure that patient bio-data, as well as other critical information such as laboratory tests results, or even the patient’s historical data, is within the button click way (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). The use of advanced technology enables personnel to easily keep and retrieve data when there is a need (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). It also intends to improve its maternity department with camera and audio transmitters to facilitate physician-patient communication.

Adequate staff

Banner appreciates the role played by the nursing community in the provision of quality healthcare (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). The nursing community for a long time has been able to represent the image and reputation of the organization. However, since it is the backbone of the healthcare system, it plans to increase the number of nurses to reduce the problem of the nurse to patient ratio that leads to more workload. It is a strategy that supports the healthcare plans to ensure job specialization where staff only works in their places of professionalism. It is an essential aspect of Banner’s plan that will lead to increased morale of their employees hence leading to enhanced output to the advantage of the patients.

The human resources management

Banner also plans to buy modern equipment especially to the casualty department (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). The casualty department experience the number of people seeking their services. The organization plans to increase the competency of their workforce through future effective programs. The training opportunities and programs contribute to the elimination of poor resource management. The improvement of the number of an employee working for Banner bring about the element of a better check as well as the management of resources

Patient satisfaction

The interest of patients is the primary concern for Banner. It has plans such as future interactive programs between the staff and patients. The organization intends to introduce a useful technology to enable smooth interaction with the patients. For instance, the technology will allow the patient to rate workers

Comparison between Banner and Singapore Airline

Banner and Singapore Airline focuses on the customer care service through recruitment and training opportunities for their workforce (Pinderhughes et al., 2018). The only difference is that Banner is a non-profit organization while Singapore is a profit-generating Airline Company. The culture of training in the two organizations contributes to the on-boarding of highly skilled and qualified personnel.




Blank, S. (2013). Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard business review, 91(5), 63-72.Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard business review, 91(5), 63-72.

Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage Learning.

Kuhn, B., & Lehn, C. (2015). Value-based reimbursement: the banner health network experience. Frontiers of health services management32(2), 17-31.

Pinderhughes, S. T., Lehn, J. M., Kamal, A. H., Hutchinson, R., O’Neill, L., & Jones, C. A. (2018). Expanding Palliative Medicine Across Care Settings: One Health System Experience. Journal of palliative medicine21(9), 1272-1277.