Obesity in Young Adults


Obesity was primarily perceived as one of the conditions that majorly affects the middle age adults. Until recently, the studies outlined obesity among adults transitioning from adolescence to adulthood (young adults) between the ages of 18-25 years. There have been steady increasesin obesity among young adults. Generally, many young adults experience critical changes in lifestyle such as going to college, leaving their parental home, and also to be employed. Moreover, this the initial stage for developing relationships, and possibly cohabiting or even marriage. Following all these lifestyle changes there is the potentiality of experiencing pregnancy as well as child rearing. These transitional changes are viewed as a time of displacement since young adults feel a ‘sense of loss’ alongside ‘discontinuity in identity’ because there is displacement of their familiar contexts.

All these changes in the young adults’ lifestyle result in vulnerability to energy imbalance which always leads to weight gain.  Early weight gain may not be problematic at initial stages, but it is a threat in later accumulations because the vulnerability to risk-taking behaviors originates from the interactions of the psychological, social and biological factors that often occurs during the transition years. However, these risk-taking behaviors can be associated with positive behavioral changes provided an individual experienced a constructive childhood and adolescent contexts. The positive and negative health-related behaviors developed during the transition age to adulthood often later progress into life. The already vulnerable adults are at risk of developing obesity at adult ages. Despite the escalation of the toll of obesity among young adults, and it’s addressed as a challenge to the health care delivery system, there have been reduced policy and research set until recently.


The questions were formulated to determine the causes, signs and symptoms and management of diabetes among the young adults.

  1. What is obesity?
  2. What are the risk factors of obesity among young adults?
  3. What are the signs and symptoms of obesity in young adults?
  4. What are the management schedules for obesity?
  5. Does obesity have an impact on the psychiatric patient’s health?


The study was conducted among young adults between the ages of 18-25 years. The sample size was 100 young adults. The study was performed to determine obesity in young adults. Therefore the feasibility report on this project showed that about fifty individuals were vulnerable to obesity and they show early signs of weight gain. Thus, data collection depicted the escalation of obesity among in young people. The study involved the evaluation and assessment of obesity; those who found vulnerable were advised appropriately on dietary intakes and other nutritional related management. The affected individuals were encouraged to do physical exercise. Importantly, we monitored the relation of obesity to psychiatry. There was significant data obtained because obesity results in stress and mental interferences alongside depression, hence it is a threat to mental health and it should be managed as early as its onset. The cause of obesity in young individuals was researched and identified. For example, it was found that the general change in lifestyle among young adults was the main etiological factor. Nevertheless, the project also revealed that causes of obesity could be prevented through constructive development and experience during childhood and the transition age contexts. A constructive transition and healthy life practices limit obesity development.

PICOT Question

The PICOT question is the primary point for formulating research questions and once done precisely it promotes the development of well-evaluated research evidence. PICOT question generally comprises Population, Comparison, Outcome, and Time.

P: The sample population is young adults between ages 18-25 years. The obese population has high BMI.

I: Intervention for the sample population is psychiatric counseling and nutritional adjustments to manage and prevent obesity.

C: The comparison in this study is between the nutritional and physical method employed for the management and prevention of obesity.

O: The outcome is to manage, reduce and prevention of obesity in young adults. The outcome of the project is to control and prevent obesity within the study population.

T: The desirable outcome was achieved within eight months; thereby the obese individuals noted a significant reduction in body weight alongside the treatment of other affected body parts.

Keywords; during the search for PICOT question some keywords are involved;Obesity management, Nutritional diet, Counseling, Lifestyle changes, Obesity treatment.



Nursing professionals should conduct public awareness and civic education to the adolescents and young adults about obesity and overweight. Young people should be empowered with health-related information such as health newsletters or magazines that sheds light on obesity and overweight. These awareness programs can be conducted through school-based projects as well as researched information based on clear criteria during follow-ups. In conclusion, etiology of obesity was identified through the conducted study on obesity, and there were five questions developed based on the PICOT question. However, there is a need for further research on obesity and overweight in young adults, because this theoretical framework has not been fully exploited.


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