Online Nursing Services

Project Overview

The business will involve attending to the health needs of pregnant and already delivered women and children online. It will contain nurses who will be receiving calls and messages from clients who need mother-child healthcare. Those who will need physical attention will be referred to a nearby hospital which the business will contract.  One such business carrying out similar services is the Aetna’s iTriage. The online health application allows people to check health problems by feeding their symptoms(Nash, 2014). The business will go beyond what the Aetna’s iTriage is doing to offer referrals, treatments, and follow-ups. One goal for the business is to attract the young mothers who are active online and who are shy to expose their pregnancies. Another goal for the business is to take nursing services closer to people and at a low cost to maximize to attract more clients. With a call, nurses will be able to attend to clients without having them spend much time traveling to the nearby clinic.

One of the general goals with the social media for the business is to market it.  Social media has extensive coverage more so with the young people. Most people prefer getting advice and direction to goods and services from their online friends. Another goal is to use it access profiles of expectant mothers or those with children below three years(Paswan, 2018). With their profiles, it will be easy to send personalized messages or calls asking them to join our health account. Also, social media will help attract many clients to the services. Most people will admire such services offered online just for fun where they will end up being clients. The business aims at reaching young pregnant and already women with children below three years.

Social Media Profile


The profile will contain as many pictures as possible of the various referral hospitals contracted and the main call center with nurses attending to the needs of patients.  Also, it will include the profile of each referral hospital to show the important services they offer. Different contacts of the main call center will be outlined on the account together with the direction in case patients need face to face consultation. Successful healing and other assistance testimonies will appear on the page to attract more clients and win doubts of those preparing to seek our services(Paswan, 2018).


Business name will appear on the page together with the location. Posting of the business email addresses will be necessary since the site is familiar with elite members of the community who would prefer using emails(Paswan, 2018). The profile will also carry other nurse attendants’ phone numbers in case the potential clients may decide to use SMS or direct calls. It will be essential to include the names and qualifications of the attending nurses. Elite groups prefer to know how better they will receive services through qualified personnel.


It will contain a brief profile because of the nature of targeted people mostly professionals in the field of medicine. The profile will carry a brief description of what the business does and the region it covers. It will also have the profile of each nurse and specialized physicians which the business will contract. Main contacts of the chief nurse will appear on the profile in case a medical practitioner would like to refer clients to the business.


The goal of the Facebook account in the business is to create public awareness. The business will accomplish the goal by having as many messages and pictures as possible about the business daily. Also, the account will send as many friend requests as possible to reach many potential clients. Photographs showing happy clients after receiving services from the business will appear on the page to attract more clients(Paswan, 2018). The targeted audiences are young women with children below three years. The best place to get them is on Facebook pages and groups of college students and girls below 27 years.


The goal for the page is to attract as many elite people to the services as possible. To accomplish it, the page administrator will frequently create a conversation and post images of the contracted facilities. It will contain posts which advice on major health issues of mother and child. The audiences are the well off society members. The best place to reach them is in follow-ups of prominent profiles on the account. Twitter will work for the business by making it active both at night and during the day.


The goal of using LinkedIn is to make the business be known by many medical practitioners who can assist in case of specialized treatment of clients. The company will accomplish the goal by exposing the services to many physicians. The account administrator will post business success stories on the page(Paswan, 2018). The audiences are medical doctors and nurses. The best place to get them is from other health LinkedIn sites. The site will show how successful and high-quality services the business is to attract external referrals.



Nash, D. B. (2014). Harnessing the power of big data in healthcare. American health & drug benefits7(2), 69.

Paswan, A. (2018). Social Media Marketing Strategies. DAWN: Journal for Contemporary Research in Management, 5(1), 8–11.

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