Parenting Styles


Parenting styles are methods used by parents to bring up their children. There are four styles used by parents who are authoritative parenting, neglectful parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritarian parenting. This paper is a discussion of the types of parenting style and plans, and cultural practices that will assist parents in bringing up to their children.

Authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting styles

Authoritarian parenting style is the strict way of parenting children. The authoritarian parents are not responsive, but they are incredibly demanding. The parents expect their children to follow their rules and expectation firmly. The children receive few chances to make their own decisions and choices. Second, authoritative parenting style; this is the most favorable and efficient way of bringing up normal children. The parents who use this method have high expectation of the children, and they provide enough support to them as well. The authoritative parents create a healthy environment because of the productive relationship with their children. Lastly the permissive parenting style; this method of parenting is not demanding, but it is responsive. Whenever there is a confrontation with their children, the parents tend to be lenient. The parents who are permissive set inconsistent rules and sometimes no rule rules at all because they do not want to upset their children.

Potential consequences of the different parental styles

For the children who grow up with parents with the authoritarian style are prone to the following characteristics. Examples: shyness, fearfulness, low self-esteem, withdrawal, vigorous misbehaving when away from their parents cares. For children with permissive parents tend to gain the following characteristics. Examples: insecurity due to lack of boundaries, poor social skills, self- centeredness, in-discipline, and abuse of drugs such as alcohol. Authoritative parenting style is the best, but it sometimes does not work with children with behavioral problems.

How parents can achieve a balance parenting style that can help the children develop

When it comes to children’s development, it is essential to have a parental balance style that will favor the children characteristics. Therefore, in my practice, I would advise those parents who use authoritative parenting to have open communication with their children. The method of speaking to the children without judging them will help the children understand around their world. Second, I would encourage parents who use the authoritarian way to raise their children, to adjust appropriately and seek help from a professional therapist. Also, I would recommend that the parents who use the permissive style to begin setting rules and boundaries to the children before they are too late to adjust.

How childhood discipline reflects on the adult, both good and bad

In most cases, how a child is brought up in terms of behavior is the way they are going to be in adulthood. Therefore, if a child is brought up in an authoritative parental background, they tend to be responsible, respectable, hardworking and successive in their lives. However, when a child is brought up in an authoritarian and a permissive parental background they might become negative adults. For example criminals, irresponsible parents, drug addicts, and many others.

Organization culture and its practices in childhood

Organization culture is the behavior of people in an organization and how people are attached to those behaviors. In the case of children the background, they grow in, reflects their reactions in the community. Therefore, if a child is brought up in a toxic environment, they will have a high chance of becoming the same and vice versa. An organization culture should have responsible parents or guardians, who support, guide, discipline and educate the children. Those practices will enable the children to grow responsibly.

How cultural competence assist the FNP

Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) is supposed to have enough knowledge of the population in the community. Therefore, by learning the cultural practices of a community on how people behave. They should assist parents in understanding what parental style and the disciplinary method they should use. Second, they should provide therapy to parents who are having trouble with the children. Lastly, they should help in giving child services to all the children who are mistreated or abused by their parents.