Part three: voice of persona

The voice of the speaker (the persona) in each of our poems is a voice of common sense, of moderation, of reason. This claim is ascertained by the poetry work of Robert Frost in the poem “The Road Not Taken”. Though the poem is relatively short, with five stanzas of five lines each, the choice of words in the poem indicates a high sense of reasoning and common sense on the speaker. The understanding of this poem is different from different readers, and thus, it may end up being used for varied reasons. For instance, lines 1 and 2

‘’ Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

 And sorry I could not travel both’’

Could be a metaphor that tries to explain making choices in life. Nevertheless, this has not been the case since some readers may have a different perspective from the persona. It is imperative noting that the speaker intends to explain the major decisions we make in the daily life, and it might be difficult to make amends when one makes wrong choices. As explained by lines 14 and 15       ‘’Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.’’

Line 8 ‘’Because it was grassy and wanted wear;’’ is the personification of the road by the persona that emphasizes the claim further.  The poem is insightful and gives a voice of common sense and wisdom that can be of great value to the readers.

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