Part two: Lyric Poem

Besides the narrative poetry, Robert Frost has also expressed his lyrics prowess in the poem ‘’ Home Burial’’. Although many people would confuse it for narrative, the poem is more of a lyric than a narrative. It is worth understanding that there is extensive use of dialogue rather than monolog that is common amongst the narrative poems.  The majority of the poem involves talking primarily between a man and a woman. The poet tries to create a picture in the mind of the reader a marriage that is falling apart. Once you read the poem aloud, the reader can identify the poetic language in the poem especially in lines 79-80.

’Making the gravel leap and leap in air,

Leap up, like that, like that, and land so lightly”.

These two lines a revelation of the realism and lyrics nature of the poem. The use of stressed syllables in the poem also adds weight to the claim that the poem qualifies to be a dramatic lyric. The frequent use of ‘’I’’ in the poem help the reader understand the emotions of the persona in the poem. ‘I shall laugh the worst laugh I ever laughed.

I’m cursed. God, if I don’t believe I’m cursed.’ Also in line 62 “I do think, though, you overdo it a little.” From these lines, one can easily identify with the frustrations of this couple. Use of lyrics makes it easy for one to relate to the speaker in the poem. Reading the poem aloud can help one identify the lyrics present in this poem. Besides, the figurative language in this poem is evident starting from the title ‘’Home Burial’’ which literally means that the death of a child brings grieve and sadness to the family.

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