Persistence on Teams

Achieving an excellent foal for a team has nothing to do with accident or luck. It is always a result of persistent leadership that perceives failure as a temporary bottleneck. What matters is the ability to move forward through working for success it requires confronting challenges and ensuring a positive perspective even though the problem becomes complicated or stressful.   Persistence, therefore, becomes the driving force behind the success ofleadership. This discussion, therefore, focuses on the essence of perseverance in a team as a way of achieving a successful leadership.

The first step of achieving a persistence leadership has a great vision. Grand visions are not easy to make. , therefore they need dedication and persistence towards finding solutions to the obstacles that present itselftowards the achievement of the image. It calls for perseverance and commitment to tackle challenging tasks that will enable a team to work towards the success of the vision.  J. F Kennedy, in his famous speech in 1962 said that the choice to go to the moon in that decade was not because it was easy, but because of its challenging nature and the determination to deal with such challenges.

Persistence in leadership requires having a specific tone that is demonstrated through action and making specific choices that are useful towards solving the challenges in a team. This helps the group to establish an expectation and help it to achieve the set objectives. It, therefore, calls for the ability of leaders to be reliable. This reliability creates stability in the team that guides the group towards working hard  in the achievement of the objective  of the  organization  through persistence  in  their work

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