Personal 3 Day Schedule and Evaluation

Personal 3 Day Schedule and Evaluation

Living a spiritually healthy and a life pleasing to God is a mandate that must be followed by all believers. Evaluation of personal understanding and practice of these values calls for a need to have an accountability group that will help in guiding individuals and ensuring that their journey in pleasing God is successful (Munoz-García & Villena-Martínez, 2018). Setting spiritual goals, getting an appropriate individual to give guidance as well as regular evaluation of progress in spiritual maturity are essential strategies in the achievement of a healthy and godly life.

Elements of Spiritual Health

There are various elements that Christians should uphold in order to live lives that please God as well as strengthening their spirituality. The first element entails seeking God always and fleeing away from sin. This virtue allows Christians always to do what is biblically right and avoid being misled by postmodernism influences that value societal transformations more than the command of God (Zarzycka & Zietek, 2018). The second element entails loving God and not men. This calls for Christians to believe and worship God and refrain from the magic powers that have filled the world over the recent past. Lastly, Christians are called to serve God and not men. All believers should, therefore, devote their material resources, time and talents in promoting the spread of the gospel as opposed to using them in worldly pleasures.

Strategies for Group Success

I formed the group with a primary goal of ensuring that the members will gain essential insights on how to incorporate the elements in our lives for the attainment of spiritual health. I developed methods that the group should adopt for the achievement of the desired success. Firstly, I suggested every member should have an accountability partner whose role is to monitor their partners in ensuring that they obey and live by the elements taught. Furthermore, I proposed that the group should invite a local pastor in each of its meetings to share their pastoral experiences to the group. This will be effective in guiding the group on how to overcome the challenges that come with the journey in search of spiritual growth. I proposed that the group should meet three times in a month to evaluate their progress in integrating the elements in their lives and also the possible challenges they encounter so that we may generate solutions to the problems. I also engaged the group members to review my plans and give recommendations. They proposed that besides the plans I developed, there is a need for the group members to enroll in theology training as it will enable them to acquire knowledge on spiritual growth and to live a life that pleases God.

Group’s Plan

Spiritual maturity calls upon groups of believers to share ideas on strategies they can employ to live lives that are pleasing to God. I planned a three-day event with my five fellow youth who we worship together in Holy Mountain Church, Nineveh situated in the outskirts of the city of Ephraim. The meeting was aimed at sharing with my colleagues the strategies we should employ in ensuring that we practice the elements fully.I organized the three elements into the three days. Aspects of spiritual maturity, Challenges in the attainment of godly living and strategies of addressing the challenges were discussed in first, second, and third day respectively.

I ensured that the program was followed through the allocation of time for each activity and ensuring that the group members adhered to the time schedules.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Plan

Different techniques are used in collecting data on the assessment of the performance of the group. One notable tool that was used in data collection is a questionnaire. It gives a detailed assessment report due to its room for open and closed questions thus enabling appropriate decision making on the issue of concern (Reale, 2014). Information on the benefits of the group, as well as a comparison of individual views, were collected using questionnaires.

Immediate Benefits

I noticed various benefits from the group discussion we held. Firstly, I gained good communication and leadership skills through the management of the group. Secondly, sharing of biblical ideas on spiritual health gave me new insights into the strategies I should employ to enable me to grow spiritually as well as pleasing God. Thirdly, the local pastors we invited shared with us techniques of overcoming challenges. The methods have taught me on embracing values such as patience, fellowship, and prayer, aspects that have helped me overcome worldly problems such as financial inadequacies.

Strategies for Sustainable Progress

I will adopt various strategies to ensure that I continue making progress in a healthy lifestyle that leads to godliness and maturity. I will regularly organize youth meetings which will allow us in sharing ideas on ways of achieving spiritual maturity. Also, I will be meeting local pastors regularly to seek their advice and encouragement regarding healthy lifestyle towards godliness and maturity. Lastly, I will enroll in a theology course which will help me gain knowledge of godly living.

Influence of Accountability Group

Social groups are relevant in promoting the achievement of desired behavior. They set guidelines of what must be done at a specific time as well as the actions that an individual must refrain from (Bullard, 2017). The accountability group made me more faithful in my plans. The partners helped me in understanding methods I should adopt in living godly life thus achieving a higher level of spiritual maturity.

Interaction of the Group

The small group adopted an interpersonal face to face interaction that gave room for the members to openly give their views concerning the subject matter. The interaction was very effective as it allowed the group members to improve their communication skills. Also, the members openly reported some of the challenges they were facing towards the achievement of godly living. This aided in the generation of solutions to their challenges.

Materials Used in Preparation

I used two materials in preparation for my leadership role in the group. Firstly, I used my Bible in establishing the verses on godly living that gave me more insights on what I was to share with the group. Also, I had leadership articles that guided me on group dynamics and leadership management aspects.

Evaluation Comparison

My evaluation of the group was similar to the member’s self-evaluation. We all shared the view that the group’ goals were attained. Also, we all had a common agreement that each one of us benefited from the group discussions through the acquisition of spiritual knowledge as well as the development of communication and interactive skills.


Upholding spiritual elements is vital in enhancing spiritual maturity and godly living. Formation of groups and using the groups in guiding individuals towards living moral lives is essential in the attainment of spiritual maturity. Regular and appropriate evaluation is also vital in monitoring the degree of progress towards healthy living.




Bullard, K. M. (2017). Determining the influence of micro-community groups in spiritual formation and growth in select members at Temple Baptist church. Retrieved from:

Munoz-García, A., & Villena-Martínez, M. D. (2018). Used sources of spiritual growth for Spanish university students. Religions, 9(6), 186. Doi: 10.3390/rel9060186

Reale, E. (2014). Challenges in higher education research: The use of quantitative tools in comparative analyses. Higher Education, 67(4), 409-422. Doi: 10.1007/s10734-013-9680-2

Zarzycka, B., & Zietek, P. (2018). Spiritual growth or decline and meaning-making as mediators of anxiety       and satisfaction with life during the religious struggle. Journal of Religion and Health, 1-15. Doi:   10.1007/s10943-018-0598-y