Personal Journal of a Clothes factory owner in Massachusetts

It was a busy morning of 21st August 1863. I had three scheduled meetings with the operations, finance and human resource manager. The meetings were due to a pending issue with the workers. They have been demanding better wages mostly the allowances. I have already agreed to do something next year given that I had opened a new line of operation, which had taken a lot of capital. On my arrival to the factory, the workers union officials were waiting at my office door. They informed that their demands must be met failure to which they will go on strike.  Here is a brief narration of what I have experienced in my factory

1858: I managed to acquire enough capital to start the clothes-designing factory. I started by designing for the local market but expanded to international markets after operating for just nine months. Most of my workers were local and others from New York and Vermont Oakes p. 224). After expanding, the company made good profits and by the end of that year, I approved increased wages for the workers.

1863: I invested heavily in new lines of designs. The factories capital reserves are drained. That is when the workers demand higher wages. Though I promised to meet part of their demand in the coming year, they still went on strike. After lengthy discussions with my managers, I decided to bring new workers from china. This was because there was an influx of workers in china and they demanded less pay (Takaki P. 97). This was very good for the factory. My previous workers were not happy with this decision and went to the court.

1865: The court case is over. The court ruled that the workers had absconded duty and so I was right to dismiss them. By then the factory was doing much better and I had raised the Chinese workers wages by 60%. I can see my factory as the biggest in terms of production in the next ten years.


Works Cited

Takaki, Ronald. Strangers From A Different Shore. Updated and Revised. New York City: Back Bay Books, 1989.

Oakes, James. Of the People: A History of the United States Since 1865. Concise. II. New York City: Oxford University Press, 2011.


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