Police Integrity and Professional Standards

Police Integrity and Professional Standards

Discuss the Obstacles to Fire Prevention Efforts

There are two broad types of obstacles hindering fire prevention measures. The barriers are either organizational or social obstacles. The organizational factors include lack of manpower and time. Fire outbreak is a dangerous catastrophe even to fire fighters themselves. Therefore, skilled manpower is needed to counter it effectively. However, many individuals including firefighters lack relevant skilled skills necessary to counter fire catastrophes. Poor infrastructure is another factor hindering fire prevention efforts. For instance, poor housing makes affects easy accessibility to the fire outbreak destination. Poor roads as well make firefighting agencies respond slowly to such catastrophes. On the other side, social factors include poor sensitization. Sensitization involves teaching individuals on safety procedures in case of fire outbreak. Besides, people should be taught how to use fire extinguishers to put the fire off. Another obstacle to fire prevention efforts is inadequate facilities to fight such catastrophes. Fire fighting agencies have limited resources allocated to them to fight fire outbreaks. For instance, many have limited fire fighting vehicles, capital and fire extinguishers among others.

Discuss the Foundations of Legal Authority to Perform the Code Enforcement Process

Code of Enforcement process is an act employed by the state to intervene in cases where property owners fail to comply with the set agreements. The process is considered after failure of outside court negotiations. For instance, a property search warrant may be obtained by the code enforcement agency from the magistrate court if the property owner can’t be traced after reasonable inquiry. Any ordinance of Code enforcement process must be through equitable and fair procedure and rules.

Discuss the Various Forms of Police Corruption

Police officers are involved in various forms of corruption including bribery, fixing, theft and burglary, perjury, internal payoffs, ticket fixing, prejudice, ticket fixing, and extortion. However, the most common of all is bribery and extortion. Bribery involves financial or material gain by a police officer at the expense of a person at wrong to influence his decision. Among the common cases of bribery involves an officer being paid money in exchange for not arresting a criminal. Another type of police corruption is extortion which is almost similar to bribery. However, contrary to bribery, extortion involves the officer obtaining property or money through threats. Prejudice involves police officers lying to cover another officer’s mistakes. Ticket fixing mostly happens in traffic where police officers cancel traffic tickets in favor of their family and friends. Burglary or theft involves police stealing from arrest victims or corpse. For instance, stealing drugs from a victim for their personal use.

Discuss How Training Can Make a Difference in Police Corruption

The police force is considered one of the most corrupt government institutions internationally. However, some of the errors in corruption and corruption are mitigated through training of police officers. Training accords officers with lessons on integrity. For instance, officers are taught about respecting rights of citizens and self-control. The officers also learn on protecting their integrity not only to themselves but also to keep a good reputation of the police commission.

Discuss the Impacts that Affirmative Action has had on Today’s Law Enforcement Agencies

Affirmative actions involve according to an added advantage to the marginalized grouped such as women when awarding opportunities such as employment and education. Affirmative actions have had mixed reactions among the policing; however, its positive contributions have surpassed its negative. Affirmative actions have remedied past promotional practices and discriminatory employment. This is because policing employment is nowadays from any regional place of the nation or gender.

Affirmative actions in policing have led to more transparency and friendliness with citizens. Police officers from marginalized communities can interact with their respective communities and acquire relevant information. Affirmative action is a reflection of a government that is committed to ensuring equality besides providing more jobs to the marginalized.

Discuss the Value of Performance Appraisal in Increasing Police Productivity

Police appraisal determines various aspects of police performance. The aspects include measuring police efficiency, targeted performance, and analysis of the SFA and DEA. Performance appraisal keeps police in toes thus leaving police no option than to performs. Police appraisal ensures the underperforming police are retrenched, demoted or transferred and replaced with performing ones.




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