Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence

Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence

Positive psychology is important in improving our understanding of emotional intelligence through its focus on the positive side of psychology. Unlike other frameworks of psychology that dwell on languishing among human beings, positive psychology explores positive aspects of human well-being. In so doing, positive psychology explores positive traits in human beings that contribute to their emotional intelligence. For instance, a focus on the positive virtues and motivation for successful well-being may help in the understanding of emotion management and the use of emotions in facilitating thought. Also, positive psychology helps in the exploration of the emotions experienced by the client thus helping in understanding their emotional intelligence.

The concept of well being and happiness is the cornerstone of the assumptions of positive psychology. Hedonic well-being is based on the assumption that one’s main objective is to accrue as much pleasure while avoiding painful experiences. Accordingly, this perspective attributes happiness with the situation of having a lot of material wealth and a socially-rich life. In addition, happiness is a product of having fun and buying things that one considers important while avoiding things that are not fun such as working and boring escapades. On the other hand, eudemonic well-being is based on the pursuit of personal fulfillment and realization of their potential. For instance, engaging in voluntary work and pursuing knowledge may be a source of well-being improvement in this regard.

The state of effortless enjoyment and concentration is referred to as the flow and may be experienced by all human beings. It involves a sense of control and satisfaction, deep concentration as well as an optimal balance of challenge and skill. The concept of flow has the potential of bringing about happiness as people are generally happier when fully engaged in the activity at hand. One of the activities in which I experience flow is the sport of yoga as it draws my full attention to the task. In addition, I am an active music listener and the activity of listening to music creates a flow as I am fully absorbed in the activity. Lastly, I love painting and I always find myself lost in the moment when undertaking painting projects.

Positive psychology is the scientific branch of psychology focused on the understanding of happiness and the strengths that enable individuals to thrive. It is a shift from traditional forms of psychology that dwelt on the treatment of mental illness. The benefits of positive psychology are immense and may include happier and more confident individuals. In addition, the pursuit of positive thinking results in lesser stress of the individuals as well as higher levels of self esteem and energy. Still, positive psychology may result in more resilient individuals who are more likely to attain their goals while performing better at their work.

The first element is community well-being and concerns the sense of engagement that an individual has with their area of life. The second element is financial well-being that concerns the effective management of an individual’s economic life. The third element of well-being is career well-being which is defined as how an individual occupies their time and whether they like what they do on a daily basis. In the third element, physical well-being concerns an individual’s attempts to maintaining a healthy life full of energy to ensure things are done on a daily basis. Lastly, social well-being is about having strong interactions with loved people in an individual’s life.


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