Power in the Organization

In most cases, there is an unequal distribution of power among the employees in the organization. It is not possible for all for the workers to have equal abilities to control the operation of the organization. The work environment is more orderly when there is a leader-subordinate structure in the organization than in cases of equitable distribution of powers. Leadership is essential in the operation and performance of any company. It helps to provide direction, implement plans and motivate people (Paulienė, 2012). The workers in any form require a person to guide them in whatever they do. All the employees in a firm cannot have the necessary skills and expertise to execute the necessary tasks. As a result, they require somebody to guide them in all the activities carried out in the firm.

For leadership to be important in an organization, it should be able to create value to the subordinates. This can be achieved by providing a sense of direction and purpose2005) (Martin et al.,.  The leader-subordinate structure is important because it enlightens the workers on the performance of the company and things it is involved in. Through the organizational structure and leadership, workers can take part in improving the performance of the organization(Paulienė, 2012). When power is distributed equally among the employees in a firm, it will be hard to come up with and implement strategic plans with the aim of improving the performance of the firm. There has to be a group of people to guide the rest in activities related to the firm. However, for the leader-subordinate structure to be successful, there must be cooperation between the two ranks of people. Leaders should involve their subordinates in all the activities related to the performance of the firm (Martin et al., 2005). Their opinions should be put into consideration as a way of motivating them to work hard to enhance the performance of the firm. Thus, it is not possible for an organization to exist when all power is equally shared. The leader-subordinate structure is essential for the success of any firm.


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