Practices and Issues in Human Resource Management

Practices and Issues in Human Resource Management

Internal Recruitment


First, it increases employee commitment and job satisfaction. When an organization promotes employees within, they feel inspired to perform at peak productivity (Muscalu, 2015). Rewards that employees receive due to their hard work will make them maintain a high level of productivity. Second, the organization has knowledge of the candidates. According to Muscalu (2015), existing employees are a familiar entity, and the organization has knowledge of their strength and weaknesses. Third, internal recruiting reduces the cost the organization would have incurred on advertisement thus saving money.


First, the size of potential applicants is significantly smaller. Internal recruitment provides the organization with a narrower skill pool (Shammot, 2014). Second, the approach limits the organization from obtaining new ideas from outside. Third, by hiring from within, the organization would be creating another job opening.

External Recruitment


First, the approach allows the organization to get prospective applicants with new ideas from outside thus increasing organizational diversity. Second, with external recruitment, the organization benefits from broader skill pool and experience (Muscalu, 2015). Third, it is less expensive to hire from outside because of the larger pool of talent. The organization will not spend many resources on training and development of talents.




First, external recruitment involves a longer process meaning that the organization will spend more on advertisement and interviews. Second, the approach may have an adverse impact on the motivation and satisfaction of current employees (Muscalu, 2015). This is due to the perceived inability of employees to work hard and move up the ladder. Third, external employees are not familiar with the organization. They do not have a history of the organization.

Internal recruitment is better that external on the cost of training. With internal recruitment, the organization will spend fewer resources on training compared to the cost it would have incurred if it had advertised outside. The organization will incur less cost when using this approach (Shammot, 2014). Current employees have a history of the organization and are familiar with the various operations. Conversely, external recruitment is better than internal on the skills and experience that outside hires might bring to the organization. With external recruitment, the organization can get prospective applicants with broader skill pool and a wider range of experience.



Muscalu, E. (2015). Sources of human resources recruitment organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 20(3), 351-359.

Shammot, M. M. (2014). The role of human resources management practices represented by employee’s recruitment and training and motivating in realization competitive advantage. The Retail and Marketing Review, 10(2), 18-37.


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