Primary Task Response

In a mass-casualty incident like a terrorist attack, there are a variety of unique challenges that accompany the event. Most of these challenges relate to emergency response, law enforcement and government oversight. This discussion board encompasses primary and peer reactions to all that pertains to mass-casualty terrorist attack.  The responses would be relevant based on thoughts, ideas, and comments from past occurrences.

When a mass-casualty incident resulting from a terror attack occurs, there are multiple agencies required to respond to it. These agencies are from both the federal and state level of governance. At the federal level, agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, US military and National Security Agency are likely to get involved. For instance, in the 9/11 attack, these agencies worked together to ensure victims and survivors were evacuated, explosives diffused, information and evidence collected and investigations carried out. State agencies like the Police departments, emergency medical services, and fire rescue also play an important role in dealing with such events.

While an operation is ongoing, it is often critical to distinguish between the state and federal agencies involved. This is vital because it upholds protocol and professionalism in emergency response. Federal and state agencies can be distinguished in three major ways. Firstly, they can be identified through their communication. For instance, the operation might be led by a single institutional head, but both the federal and state agencies report to the person in charge separately and independently. Secondly, the resources and assets used by these agencies are normally identifiable. Last but not least, the staff responsibilities of personnel from both the federal and state agencies are different and non-conflicting. This makes it easy to distinguish every agency and its jurisdiction. Working in the same operation with several agencies is quite hectic. The leader of the operation has to ensure there is a fusion of effort without conflicts or going overboard the laid down purviews of law. This is achieved by getting clear directives and understandings of responsibilities when called upon to work together. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the law enforcement agency that should have the primary jurisdiction because of its role as the national intelligence and security service in the US. Also, the FBI operates under the US Department of justice and will, therefore, aim at overseeing a terror attack operation without breaking any protocols. This shows that federal law should engage state and local legislation in a non-conflict manner to uphold fusion.

After the terror attacks, very many people are left with both physical and mental injuries. At times the state health departments may not meet the costs of treating these victims. This forces the federal government to work with state health departments in treating victims with long-term physical and health effects. This is achieved through the provision of referral health facilities and insurance to the victims. Some of the relevant agencies involved in such programs include the US Department of Health and Human service, the American Psychology Association and the Federal Employees Health Benefits. These agencies are involved because of their significant role in responding to health impacts.


Response to other students

After reading my Classmates posting, I learned that mass-casualty incidences could have devastating impacts on both the victims and society at large. I also agreed with them that terrorist attacks are on the rise and should be treated as mass-casualty incidences. However, I needed clarification from one of my colleague’s on his articulation regarding the role of emergency response service. In his posting, he stated that the medical service works independently. I need him to clarify how an emergency health response service can work without the support of other stakeholders in the event of a terror attack.  There are no significant differences between my posting and those of my classmates.


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