Proposed Solution to Address the Problem (nurse shortage within the healthcare)

Proposed Solution to Address the Problem (nurse shortage within the healthcare)

After completing different activities in a problem that I had proposed in this course, it is clear that the main issue is their nurse shortage within the healthcare. This is a problem that has affected the performance of the nurses and has massively had an impact on patient outcome (England, 2015). Because of nurse shortage, the patients are not attended to accordingly, and many of them have suffered because of this shortage. As a result, several solutions can be proposed to address this problem. This together with suggestions and initiatives can help solve this problem the way I had envisioned it in the first place. One of the suggestions is offering educational training to the available nurses to speed up their service delivery. One reason why not many patients are attended to is due to the slow service delivery. Attending to patients sometimes demands too much from the nurse and providing extra training will ensure that they are performing their duties faster to attend to many patients. The second suggestion is recruiting more nurses that will increase the number of available nurses. One of the challenges facing the nurses that are available is that they are few and they suffer from burnout. When new nurses are employed, it will reduce the burnout as they will no longer have to work extra time. Also, it will improve service delivery because of the increased number. The first initiative is to start an educational program where all the nurses are educated on methods of quick service delivery and how to perfect technologies can improve service delivery. Several reasons have led to this current perspectives. One of them is that technology has been a significant addition to the medical service delivery. Technology has improved the performance of many nurses and many hospitals. As a result, it is a recommendation for this problem.



England, K. (2015). Nurses across borders: global migration of registered nurses to the US. Gender, Place & Culture22(1), 143-156.

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