Provide an essay discussing judicial review of administrative actions

Provide an essay discussing judicial review of administrative actions

Provide an essay discussing judicial review of administrative actions.  After a short historical review from third party sources including Rosenbloom, focus primarily on some recent cases (i.e., in the last five years or so). Provide at least one federal case and one state-level case as examples not referenced in Rosenbloom; also include one transparency case at any level.  Be sure to discuss the following in the conclusion of your essay:

–Are your examples/cases of judicial review based on procedural issues or review of the content of the issue (logic used in determining the decision)? What seems to be the norm in judicial review of administrative action?

–The U.S. is a litigious society. However, how much does that seem to be the case in the review of administrative actions—proportionately?  That is, given the amount of administrative actions and the number of appeals within the agencies, briefly make an argument that there is a lot of judicial review, a modest amount, or a relatively small amount. Can you hazard a guess why from your background in this class?

(minimum of 500 words)


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