Public Personnel Management

Laws Affecting the Agency

Agencies are governed by several laws that must be followed, and they influence the personal management of such agencies. One of such laws that affect the agency relationship in control is the veteran accountability and whistle blower act of 2017   which was passed by the Senate. It is a law that protects civil servants as well as the department of the defense of the country. According to the status of the law, it protects the public servant who works for a specific department from being exploited by other departments. In this case, the bill establishes that such a civil servant must only be accountable to his or her department and must work for the interest of that department. This n law implies that if a civil servant fork for a department which did not employ it, I he or she must not take orders from the head of the department he or she is working for. To paint a clear picture of the situation, consider a case scenario of a government auditor, working in a government department that needs to be audited. The auditor is not answerable to the manager or head if that department.It covers the accountability concept of the employees.

The second agency law under this is the senior executive accountability. This law is based on the power given to the secretary to discipline the senior executive officers and even to remove them. This law also indicates an agency relationship, especially where a body which is not involved in the management of the organization has a procedure and the ability to discipline the head of an institution. It, therefore, implies this law affects the agency relationship between the two bodies.

Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practice

The LGB T Veteran healthcare reveals issue us is a law that elaborates a clear agency issue in it. It addresses the health care needs of gays, lesbian’s bisexuals. It guides the relations between healthcare providers and other veteran and gives them the right to better health care. Therefore, the concerns of this act are based on several laws such as the policies that promote the quality b of their healthcare, and the provision of education and guideline about the LGBT. The agency approach for this issue is based on the accountability concept of the medical institutions to provide care for such veterans

This law has its strengths and weaknesses.  A focus on the power reveals that it prevents the medical officers from discriminating the veterans in terms of healthcare provision and confidentiality.Its ability is also based on allowing the vets to get guidance and proper care practice that will promote the practice among the veterans without complications.

The weakness of the act is that it compels the health care providers to t to provide whose ethics and morally do not allow them to engagein caringfor the individuals they do not believe in their ethical standards. Another weakness presented is that the law does not provide a clear procedure to allow a free relation between the veterans and the medical health institutions. In this case, the veterans may fear to come out apparently due to the phobia of harsh judgment.

Ethics and Diversity Training

An evaluation of the agency based on the ethics and diversity training reveals that there is a little effort that has been employed to create the concept of diversity among the population and important institutions. In this case, there is a general lack of willingness of employers to allow the different individuals with different cultures to work in unison in the public institution. The fact that there is still discriminations based on sexual orientations, race, culture, and religions in the workplaces shows a lack of awareness of the concept of ethics and diversity.

According to the current training processes based on the ethics and diversity, the focus is always based on acceptance and equality ofall individuals in the workplace which does not discriminate. The diversity concept is, therefore, a matter that thetraining must give the new employees and make them sensitive to the diversity concept in the workplace.Oneapproach tobe undertaken is based on making the employees to understand the need od of diversity. In this case, they have to be trained on the various concepts of diversity and howto handledifferentsituations. This will help to promote good relations among the employees and ensure that they do not engage in unnecessary tensions based on the diversities in the work environment.

He is strength for this training is to ensure that individuals are trained to understand the different cultures and prevent them from judging others based on the cultural beliefs, gender or sexual orientation. Int return, it will promote the productivity of the employees.  However, the main weakness of this training is that it becomes difficult to tackle some concepts of diversity, especially the unpopular ones in society.

Recommendations for Recruiting and Training a Diversified Workforce

Based on the need for diversity in the workforce, there is aneed to change some elements. Thefirst step is to develop a workforce succession plan that addresses the barriers to variety in the workplace. This includes an inculcation of leadership skills that will make individuals realize the importance of diversity in the work pace. It will help to createa principle that guides their relations and the limits among the various workers in the workplace. A clear analysis of this strategy requires precise communication of the essential leadership traits based on a training session on the role of leadership on diversity in the workplace.

The second recommendation of the agency s effort of promoting diversity in the workforce is training allowing individuals to express their concerns through a democratic approach. In this case, the fears of each worker must be taken into consideration based on his principles and beliefs. This way the work environment will be adequately enjoyable and create an atmosphere that embraces diversity.There are several ways to ensure this. The agency must accept all the cultural variations in the workforce. The second approach is to set rules and regulations that have to be followed by all individuals in the workplace which do not lead to the conflict of diversity interest.   Moreover, the courts of laws should be available to every employee individually or through their unions to address any form of discrimination based on the difference in gender, sexual orientation and other aspects of diversities.

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