Reaction to Secretary Clinton’s Speech on LGBT

Reaction to Secretary Clinton’s Speech on LGBT

Clinton’s speech was a powerful statement, and I am of the opinion that the speech was well overdue. The stance to support LGBT rights globally is a significant human rights victory. The recognition of “queer” sexual orientation and preference as a right like any other human right is a step in the right direction in ensuring no person is discriminated on the basis of his sexual orientation or preference.Clinton’s utterance that the united state would further market gay rights as an international issue is a laudable step, this will ensure the promotion and protection of the human rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender individuals.

I in particular value the linkage that was made between social justice issues to human rights language, and her statement where she reassured the LGBT community that wherever they are, they are not lesser human beings nor alone.I also loved the logic, articulation, energy and passion as well as commitment that she showed during and in the speech.The sincerity, earnestness and mettleof Secretary Clinton is a challengefor people to make the dignity of common humanity the center and goal of the world’s politics. Her addressis a step towards a world that is more inclusive, fair, and compassionate. It touched all aspects of a discussion that people need to have globally. The speech addressed all the pros and cons, and now the global discussion begins.It was a proud moment to be a supporter of the LGBT community.

Importance of Social Workers to Acknowledge and Address Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity of Marginalized Populations across the World

Differences in sexual preference is an issue that has been a source of widespread debate and contest in the North America continent and globally. At the center of this debate is the naturalness, legality, acceptance and morality of LGBT sexual orientations. Whereas, some people have accepted their actualityand their entitlementto unreservedlyassociate and express their sexual preference, an equally bigger number of people are unwilling to accommodate the very idea or thought that LGBT is a human right like other human rights. Despite the widespread acceptance of the LGBT community, most people still consider LGBTs asthe society’s outcasts or refer to them as queer people, going as far as subjecting them to various forms of discrimination and stigmatization and imperilingthem to homophobic campaigns.

However, this is a wrong approach to handling the issue of LGBT. As social workers, the centralmission of the field is to enrich and improve human well-being and help satisfy the fundamental human needs of all populations, but particularly the needs and empowerment of populations who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty (Hardcastle, 2011). As it is presently, the LGBT community falls under the vulnerable population. Primaryto social work is awarenessof the external environmental influencesthatgenerate, contribute to, and deal withproblems in living. That is social workers promote social justice and social change on behalf of the vulnerable. As such, it is important for us as social workers to actively advocate for the rights of this vulnerable population, and participate in any cause that goes towards recognizing and protecting the sexual orientation and gender diversity of marginalized populations across the world. It should be our core objective to ensure the rights of the LGBT community are universally accepted and recognized and are mentioned in the breath as the right to life, the right to chasefor happiness, the right to live a life free from discrimination, and the right to be free from prejudgmenton the basis of national origin, age,race, sex, color, and gender. This will ensure that the LGBT community indiscriminately gets access to various social amenities and are in a position to interrelate freely, socialize with the community with no fear of victimization, and live their daily lives like any other person. This will fulfill the primary mission of social workers, which is to enhance human wellbeing and promote social justice.

The Role of Social Workers on an International Level in Relation to the LGBTQ Community

The principalcallingof social work is to promote the well-being and welfare of mankind and assist inmeeting the fundamentalhuman needs of all populations, but with particularconsiderationto the needs and empowerment of persons who are oppressed, vulnerable and live in neediness(Hardcastle, 2011). Deep-seatedto social work is awarenessof the external influences thatconceive, contribute to, and deal withdifficultiesin living. That is social workers promote social justice and social change on behalf of clients.Every person, notwithstandingtheirstandingor statusin society, has fundamental human rights such as adequate standard of living, education, freedom, healthcare, and safety, as well as privacy(Zastrow, 2009, p. 94). Social workers acknowledgethe global inter-linkages of oppression and are conversantwith theories of justice and approachesto advancehuman and civil rights. It thereforeencompassessocial justice proceduresin the society, institutions and organizationsto make surethat these fundamental human rights are respected.

Social workers endeavorto end discrimination and prejudice, poverty, oppression,and other forms of social injustice to the vulnerable population. On the international front, these functionsmay take the form of advocacy, supervision, social and political action, consultation administration, development and implementations, education, direct practice, organizing, policy, and research and evaluation. However, advocacy is the tool that is mainly utilized at the international level.

The role of social workers with regards to the LGBT community is to advocate their rights. Advocacy refers to activities in the political arena that focus on the promotion of the common welfare or the securing and protection of rights and services of a specific population.With regards to advocacy for the rights of the LGBT community, it involves the recognition and acceptance of this group as a part and parcel of the society like any other group who are differentiated on the basis of some form of preference, predisposition or inclination.At the international level advocacy involves: Analysis, formulation and lobbying for policies that advance social well-being and enhance client and community wellbeing; Collaborating with stakeholders across disciplines to provide effective services and to advocate for compulsory amendments in policies; and to provide leadership and guidance in advancingsustainable adjustmentsin service delivery and practice to betterthe quality of social services.

Specific Skills and Actions a Social Worker would employ as an Advocate

When undertaking their various tasks, social work advocates need various basic skills. The concept of advocacy is derived from the field of law. It means “to speak up, to plead the case for another, or to champion a cause, often for a group that cannot speak out on its own behalf” (Roberts, 2009, p. 130).Advocacy incorporates elements of political struggle, negotiation, cooperation, and compromise.At any level of advocacy, a social worker needs substantive knowledge of programs and policy. These skills enable them to better articulate to other stakeholders the real effect of implemented programs on vulnerable populations and communities (Roberts, 2009, p. 130).

Social workers need analytic skills to evaluate social problems and develop policy proposals, to analyze the severity of specific problems and to identify the obstacles against their cause and develop strategies to overcome them. Analytic skills also persuade people about the importance of respecting the sexual preferences of particular groups. They need Political skills, this is for assistingthem in enlisting the support of various stakeholders and to assist in the crafting of strategies to shepherd a particular cause through all the parties concerned.Social workers also need interpersonal and interactionskills to contributein task groups, for instance,committees and coalitions, and to persuade other people to support specific policies. These skillsenable a social worker to relate and interact with other people in a manner that engenders confidence and poise, developenduringrelationships and explicitlyelucidatecompoundsituations in a clear manner. Interaction skills are needed to develop links with key officials, participate in meetings, make credible public presentations, and work with task groups charged with handling concerns that touch on the population of interest. Finally, they need value-clarifying and excellent negotiation skills to distinguishand rank pertinentprinciples when engaging in advocacy practice.

In advocacy, a social worker will be expected to apply expertise and technical assistance to the development of legislations, the social worker will be expected to organize support for legislators who are willing to take risky leadership positions on an issue of concern to one’s organization and its constituents. The social worker will also be expected to monitor all legislations that are relevant to one’s own constituents, including all committee votes and party caucuses that influence the course of a bill. He or she will be charged with the development of ongoing cooperative professional and personal relationships with other legislative advocates and with the staff of legislators and legislative committees.He or she will also be charged with the creation and utilization of media contacts and the use of a media advocacy strategy, including the internet.



Ambrosino, R., Heffernan, J., Shuttlesworth, G., & Ambrosino, R. (2011). Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction (7, revised ed.). California: Cengage Learning.

Hardcastle, D. A. (2011). Community Practice: Theories and Skills for Social Workers. New York: Oxford University Press.

Roberts, A. R. (2009). Social Workers’ Desk Reference. Oxford University Press.

U.S Department of State. (06 December 2011). Clinton’s Address in Geneva on International Human Rights Day. Geneva: U.S Department of State.

Zastrow, C. (2009). Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People. California: Cengage Learning.

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