Reasons for using Jargon by Doctors

Doctors use jargons for various reasons as mentioned by Klass. Firstly, she states that the unique language enables doctors to be closer to each other and deal with the medical stress together by exhibiting professional spirit. She uses an example of a situation where chemotherapy fails to provide cure to a patient. The medical jargon makes the patient the subject of the sentence where a doctor would say, “ Mrs Bacon failed chemotherapy” (Klass 74). This relieves the doctors the burden of stress associated with a failure on their part or the equipment they use.

Secondly, Klass (76), argues that medical jargon enables the doctors to keep an emotional and a professional detachment from the patients. She states that the professional language repackages the problems and pain of the patients to another language that the patients cannot speak. Consequently, the problems and the pain are under the control of doctors; thus they cannot be hurt emotionally. Klass also argues that jargon language creates a linguistic disconnect between the patients and the doctors thus allowing conversation about the situation of the patients and the condition at the facility to continue at the bedside without the knowledge of the patient. For instance, she states that an intern can talk of adeno-CA instead of mentioning lung cancer (klass, 76). Klass adds that the jargon language learnt in the Past summer enables her to communicate and understand her colleagues effectively. For instance, she states a doctor can say that a patient “boxed” instead of a patient “died”.

In summary, doctors use jargons to create a professional relationship with each other to enable them to deal with occupational stress and understand each other. Besides, it leads to emotional separation between patients and doctors thus preventing them from getting hurt in the worst scenario that a patient dies.

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