Research and Reflection: Leadership and Management

Research and Reflection: Leadership and Management

Leadership and management are two of the most critical elements when it comes to running a business successfully. I recently interviewed Mr. Frank Castle, the manager at the local bank, who provided insight on the factors, aspects, and tenets that are necessary to achieve proper guidance as well as supervision to realize a company’s corporate objectives. The following text is both research-based and reflective as it includes elements that I have learned in class and the practicality of the course concerning the interview conducted with Mr. Frank. The paper will provide information on leadership precepts, linked theories, weaknesses, and failures of leadership. Moreover, the research describes management from an original perspective and correlatesthe methods and business elements mentioned with course materials.

  1. Leadership Precepts

Leadership principles are regarded as the cornerstones of any organization based on how their employers treat employees and how this, in turn, improves on the performance of the organization. According to Konstanyan (2017), leadership principles revolve around character, personality and professional traits which endeavor an individual to become the best they can be in an organizational setting. Leadership is based on behavior- which entails being responsible and accountable for one’s action to empower those around. Based on the interview conducted, Mr. Frank was explicit in stating that leadership is about being trustworthy. Trust means having faith in someone. From this perspective, it is clear that Mr. Frank was explaining that being a leader means people around you can share the belief in your system of management and are not wary of approaching to discuss matters. Leaders should create an environment where employees can explain how to improve on excellence and performance. The evaluationis judged based on behavior, attitude, and actions.

Regarding leadership precepts, leadership also entails being approachable, according to the interview with Mr. Castle. Being friendly means leaders or managers are quickly approached by employees in case of any issues. According to Konstanyan (2017), leadership is all about people. The focus is on communication channels, allowing people to discuss any problems pertinent without hesitation but, with the value of respect. It is clear that Mr. Frank has achieved this perception of leadership and being approachable as one of the greatest achievements in his career. It goes to show that being a leader is not only about the character but, of the mindset that ‘actions speak louder than words.’

  1. Leadership Dovetail with Leadership Theories

The relevance of leadership in the current world is based on the theoretical perspective of how leadership theories intertwin with leadership actions. According to a review by Nawaz et al. (2016), leadership theories are expansive, but, adoption of the different types of leadership styles is based on a person’s personality, values and appreciation of the best leadership style from their perspective. As such, numerous theories exist that include contingency theories, style and behavior theories and transactional theories among others.

In the present paper, the transactional theory is regarded as the best correlational theory to the leader-follower style of leadership. According to Nawaz et al. (2016), transactional leadership theory is the divergence of the conventional leadership theory to a modern style where both leader and follower have veto power. As controversial as the leadership style has been, the argument interjects that it is the best type of leadership. Borrowing from the interview conducted with Mr. Castle, the subject emphasizes that the leader ought to be approachable and trustworthy. The open-door policy on this type of leadership can be chaotic but, successful when the leader can articulate what values and character traits the subordinates possess (Nawaz et al., 2016).

The dovetail between the transactional leadership theory and the leadership precepts intertwine based on the individualism and morality embedded within the method. For instance, Nawaz et al. (2016) determine that transactional leadership does not foster self-interests and lack of interactions. It is the opposite: transactional leadership accentuates on moralism and motivations within which each employee regards themselves as core members to the decision making and solution-based agenda in any situation within an organization. It is the same ideology that Mr. Frank stands by- the ability of the employees to understand that communication channels are always open and that the leader should emulate a transparent and trustworthy character.

  1. Management Weaknesses and Failures

Different types of leadership and management styles are praised for being trendsetters in changing the working environment. However, the human is to error and such management, and leadership styles connotate failures and weaknesses. Throughout the interview, the manager did not acknowledge any failure or weakness when it comes to his style of management and leadership. On the other hand, it is safe to assume that different forms of management and leadership have limitations and loopholes.

According to an article by Satell (2014) titled5 Ways, Managers Fail Their Employees, an open-door policy within which employees and employers see themselves as equals can reprimand any pre-determined goals and objectives. In the review, Satell (2014) recaps that employee complaints and issues can be self-implicated and not for the good of the company. The statement means that workers will seek the opportunity to misuse the power provided to accentuate their problems among themselves to their managers. The open-door policy can, therefore, be stressful.

The transactional theory advocates for accountability in executives in their type of leadership and management style. Satell (2014) states that responsibility can land any manager in trouble. The reason is that, with every employee complaint or argument, the leader or manager ought to take it as a critical factor that will affect the operational success of any business. As such, the issue is to know where to set the boundary or limit in employee freedom and power. From an in-depth analysis, this may not be easy since employees are generally aware that they are accountable for their actions. They are willing to go the extra mile to improve on the situation in their favor. Inherently, this type of leadership is essential, and a lot of wisdom is required.

Another weakness in management is the need to always look for the right people. According to the interview conducted with Mr. Frank, he stated that during his career at the bank, the need to improve or develop a job is pertinent. For instance, Mr. Frank pursued a Masters in Business Administration while still conducting his roles and responsibilities in the workplace. The process can be demanding, in my perspective, but as workers, we are all bound to the societal and industrial mindset that more is better and less is worse. The more the papers in any given work position the better the security. Mr. Frank concurs that it is essential to further one’s education whenever they can.

Another weakness is the issue of re-organization or change. According to Satell (2014), most directorsare rigid because they hate accommodating any differences in opinion due to the processes involved such as training employees on the shift. Regarding this, it is thought that change in management is too critical for any manager. Mr. Frank shares the same sentiments in the interview where he stated that management issues arise when change is needed. It is regarded, hence, as the most controversial agenda in any business and executives are often unwilling to concede to the new ideologies.

Addressing Weaknesses and Failures in Management

Problem-solving is one of the pivotal processes in any business that ensures any issue is solved. ‘Problems are only opportunities in work clothes’ is the famous quote by Henry Kaiser, and according to Plan (2018), there are different strategies in defining how to solve management-based weaknesses and failures. The first step is to acknowledge that there is a problem. As determined by Nawaz et al. (2016), transactional leadership eliminates factors on individualism in the production process. Therefore, each employee is involved in every process, which can be demanding for any manager. Plan (2018) provides a solution by indicating that transactional leadership is not tied to the conventional leadership models and that it can be changed. The manager can define the boundaries within which the employees are limited. For example, with the open-door policy, the employees are only allowed to discuss issues on processing and performance. From there, the manager can use the information to make an informed investigation and conclusion -decision making- on what is the best progress to build from there. Under the leadership style, violation of the policies and guidelines formulated by the managers warrants punishment. Thus, workers are required to fulfill their duties without complaint. Without individuality, there is no flexibility which means that the manager has the authority (Plan, 2018).

Moreover, solving the weaknesses in management requires an appreciation of change and innovation. Transactional leaders, according to Gaille (2018), change can be positive and negative, but in most cases, it is the former. Change can improve productivity levels by reducing costs in running the business and maximization of profits. Transactional leaders are considered to have the lean and mean philosophy where employees work harder on a short-term basis and achieve goals that make businesses successful. The leaders and managers, therefore, may be required to motivate and encourage the workers to be highly productive with incentives to work towards a specific goal (Gaille, 2018).

Finally, Gaille (2018) indicates that the simple process of implementation goes a long way in simplifying the process that managers have to go through in looking for people. A diverse team needs to have a balance in a complex environment and the best leader to do so is the modern transactional leader. The theory on transactional leadership reiterates that a manager should be able to know which team is the best based on values upheld and characteristics as well as qualifications.

Tenets from Motivation Theories

One first view I have appreciated in motivation theories is the need always to satisfy basic human requirements. There is nothing more beneficial to a human than the idea of being able to achieve the satisfaction on self-actualization and building on self-esteem, safety and security and psychological needs. By ensuring that there is a constant need to feed one’s knowledge on these needs allows one to have a self-fulfilling life. In comparison to the leadership style and the interview with Mr. Castle, it is clear that serving one’s purpose is key to always being motivated. There are numerous ways of doing this including improving one’s career as well as motivating others, which restores the individual’s perception of motivation.

Moreover, another tenet I have embraced is the ideology of motivation theory is the need for achievement and affiliation as well as power. Success means the need to accomplish and demonstrate mastery in one’s career or life. I have learned that I need to set my life goals and objectives to create the map as to how I would achieve them. In retrospect, motivation theory has formed the correct platform for this by asserting the need for love, belonging and alertness.

Motivation Theories and Practicality

The understandings I have gathered from the motivation theories have impacted how I conceptualize communication and making decisions. For discussion, there is a need to establish a connection that is open-door policy from a horizontal and vertical hierarchy standpoint. How one communicates with others including subordinates and other managers creates a platform for open dialogue about any issue or situation. By satisfying one’s needs of self-fulfillment and self-actualization on will be able to accept that deciding any angle requires some level of wisdom and informative investigation.  For instance, the aspect of improving decision making, motivation theories reiterate that there is a need to diversify concepts on employees. The diversification includes the prioritization and importance of motivating others to become the best they can be and always improve on performance to actualize their goals.


The working environment faces numerous challenges that test the limits of any person. Therefore, there is the need to understand one’s purpose regardless of the role, and responsibilities played and hierarchy position. From an employee’s perspective, it is crucial to follow the motivation tenets that necessitate one to improve on performance. Inherently, it is one’s duty always to be as productive as they can be to aid the company to improve on general performance. In other scenarios, this includes improving on education portfolio and improving a career. These aspects also include managerial positions. The need to develop on the occupation as well as education is crucial. It safeguards one’s job security and motivates the manager to be the best leader. The motivation could include improving on the communication channels in all levels as well as improve on decision making. The result of the motivation is to develop on the role a person plays in society. The ability to achieve one’s potential is a motivation to others within the community.


Gaille, B. (2018). Advantages and Disadvantages of Transactional Leadership. Retrieved from

Konstanyan, A. (2017). 10 Principles of Effective and Authentic Leadership. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from

Nawaz, A.,Ahmed, Z.,&Khan, I. (2016). Leadership Theories and Styles: A Literature Review. Journal of Resources Development and Management, vol. 16, pp. 1-7. Retrieved from

Plan, M. L. (2018). What is Problem Solving? Retrieved from

Satell, G. (2014). 5 Ways Managers Fail Their Employees. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from


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