Research Review: Counseling and Nursing Professions


In essence, the counseling profession and nursing are interrelated. The counseling profession and the nursing field are one of the medical fields that have seen enormous growth in recent years. This trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. What then is the driving force for this explosive growth? According to Kieser, Nicolai and Seidl(2015), nursing research in a great extent had mainly contributed not only to the reduction of diseases but also to the overall growth of the counseling profession and nursing field. Nursing research thus can be defined as a purposeful, structured, and disciplines process of discovery (Sheperis, Young & Daniels 2010). Nursing research thus is essential in a scholarly pursuit which helps to bridge the gap in the current literature of nursing and healthcare (Tappen2016). It, therefore, becomes imperative for nurses to possess an understanding of how to read research articles and present the findings in a manner that is for the benefit of improving patient care. For nursing research to be effective, it must be consistent with the philosophy and theories of nursing. Besides, it has to reliable, orderly, and presents an ethical inquiry. Nursing research that follows these tenets contributes largely to improved nursing care, client outcomes, and health care systems. Both qualitative and quantitative research reports and critical characteristics of effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research are an essential component in the decision-making process of a counselor.

How qualitative and quantitative research reports guide the decision-making process

According to Levitt (2015), human beings are much more challenging to study. This is because numerous variables make people unique. No two patients are alike, and experience indicates that no two patients with pain will respond the same way. The impact of culture, physiology, emotional stability, and cognitive function all affect the outcome. This fact is what makes nursing research interesting, demanding, and complex. However, with both qualitative and quantitative research report at their disposal, counselors and nurses can make a sound decision that helps to improve patient care.

Early research started with true experimental design, which is best understood as research that can control, manipulate, and have true randomization. This specific method of research (quantitative research) focuses on the ability to control extraneous variables. Quantitative research is mentioned here to explain the difference between true experimental design and the unique nature of nursing research, which better fits into the realm of social science research (Sheperis et al., 2010). Counselors without a hand on experience opt for the quantitative research approach which helps them to translate the problem before them into mathematical language. For instance, counselors before deciding on how to distribute the available resources among the many processes involved, they must first evaluate which of the combinations would be cost effective. On this basis, the counselor has to use statistical data that is available in the quantitative research reports to construct a mathematical model or formula that they will use to apportion resources.

Counselors with direct hands-on experience use qualitative research reports in the decision-making process. These reports provide them with counselors with experimental knowledge of the various factors involved in a decision. With the qualitative research reports, the counselor can understand the complex interplay of variables in a patient. The counselor can connect the dots from studying the reports and making substantial deductions from them. As noted by Levitt (2015), it is imperative for the counselors to use both qualitative and quantitative research reports if possible. A combination of experience (qualitative) and mathematical reasoning (quantitative) helps counselors to make rational decisions thus offering a better chance of success in their duties.

The Key Characteristics of Effective Writing and Publication in Counseling and Psychological Research

To investigate psychological phenomena, i.e., different aspects of how people think and behave, researchers, use the scientific method. The scientific method provides for scientists to examine and understand the various psychological phenomena. It also gives counselors a way to share and discuss the results of their studies. Kieser et al., (2015), outlines seven main key characteristics of scientific research. Purposiveness if the first key characteristics. It encompasses having a specific purpose while conducting the research.   The purpose impacts all the activities of the research and forms the basis of the research procedure which in turn influences the methods of executing the procedure and the overall research results. Testability entails the ability to test the hypothesis to help in understanding and finding out the relation between the involved variables.

The other characteristic is replicability which refers to the ability of the research to be repeated to obtain a consistent result. Results which are replicable are highly regarded as acceptable and reliable. Objectivity, which is the next characteristic, refers to lack of bias, judgment or prejudice. Psychological research deals with facts rather than the interpretation of facts. They are always true independently from individual subjectivity caused by perception, emotions, or imagination (Shelkowitz et al., 2015). Other key characteristics include generalizability, parsimony, and rigor.

All these characteristics put together helps counselors, nurses and other involved parties in the decision-making process to make a rational decision. These parties can understand that effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research must follow some order and guidelines- which are provided for by the essential characteristics.

Diagnosis of Obesity

According to Locke et al., (2015), obesity is a health condition whereby an individual’s weight exceeds the normal standard weight they need to be having at their age. The aspect of having excessive body fat increases the risk of health problems.

Since the issue of obesity has been prevalent in the better part of the 20th and 21st century, nursing research can be of great importance in the eradication of this health condition. In the treatment of obesity, scientific research will aid in determining the causes, and the risk factors associated with obesity. Through comprehensive scientific research, researchers will be able to determine the healthy foods that people need to consume to reduce the chances of getting obese. Additionally, research will be of importance in determining the best surgical procedure to be undertaken in the treatment of obesity. The research will also help to explain which between a community-based intervention program and a family-based therapy program in the treatment and prevention of obesity among adolescents during their teenage years is more effective. Lastly, research will help researchers to determine whether the approach of having nurses as primary members of the multidisciplinary team in providing care for bariatric patients enhances better continuity care.




Scientific research plays a significant role in the treatment of every kind of disease ranging from mental illnesses to physical injuries. Both qualitative and quantitative research reports and critical characteristics of effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research are an essential component in the decision-making process of a counselor.



Kieser, A., Nicolai, A., &Seidl, D. (2015). The practical relevance of management research:          Turning the debate on relevance into a rigorous scientific research program. The            Academy of Management Annals9(1), 143-233.

Levitt, H. M. (2015). Qualitative psychotherapy research: The journey so far and future directions. Psychotherapy52(1), 31.

Locke, A. E., Kahali, B., Berndt, S. I., Justice, A. E., Pers, T. H., Day, F. R., … &Croteau-           Chonka, D. C. (2015). Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology — nature518(7538), 197.

Shelkowitz, E., Vessella, S. L., O’Reilly, P., Tucker, R., &Lechner, B. E. (2015). Counseling for personal care options at the neonatal end of life: a quantitative and qualitative parent       survey. BMC palliative care14(1), 70.

Sheperis, C., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2010). Counseling research: Quantitative,     qualitative, and mixed methods. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Tappen, R. M. (2016). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Jones & Bartlett        Publishers.

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