Role as a Trainer: Optimizing the Training Facilities for Students with Disabilities

Role as a Trainer: Optimizing the Training Facilities for Students with Disabilities

Visually Impaired

Visually impaired is categorized into two including those who are totally blind and those with low vision. Students who are totally blind learn through braille while those with low vision use a combination of vision other senses, and braille (in some cases) to learn. Students can be accommodated in their training facilities by familiarizing with the layout of the laboratory or the classroom, precisely locating the emergency equipment and the closest exit. On the other hand, educators should understand that nonverbal cues rely on good visual acuity. Therefore, they should verbally acknowledge the main points while conversing to enhance the communication process.


Paraplegia is the injury of the spinal cord, which is the outcome of accidents, neuromuscular diseases, or congenital conditions. Often these students are confined in wheelchairs. Therefore, the layout of the classroom should be accessible by freeing all obstacles. Since the wheelchair is the personal space of the student, it should be in a convenient location in the classroom. Furthermore, there is a need AsphaSmart computers, tape recorders, note takers, or copies of the class notes for flexibility in learning. Instructors can accommodate the students by listening to any guidelines the student may provide. Arguably, the student knows the most efficient and safest route to accomplish tasks.

Hearing Impairment

Students who have hearing problems and deaf need different accommodations depending on certain facets such as the age of onset, level of hearing loss, and the type of language system they use. The classroom accommodation should ensure that the student has an unobstructed view of the mouth and face of the speaker. The student should be supplied with fax, electronic mail, and word processor for discussions with their instructor. Whenever possible, films, videos, and other visual aids should be included. The instructor should accommodate the students by ensuring the students have their attention before speaking. Additionally, they should use hearing aids, lip-reading, speech, and amplification systems to boost oral communication.