Scotland’s Culture


Scotland’s rich culture can be stretched back to early 1945 as evident from the distinct historical periods. For instance, from the industrial revolution, the land of the Empire and all the way to the cultural renaissance. This lasting legacy is visible across the nation in art galleries, culture, archives, museums and so on. Scotland has continued to experience extraordinary change as well as growth since 1945 where the region has become more complex and fascinating. For instance, the existence of the Roman soldiers, nobleclansmen, philosophers, Vikings, and even powerful monarchs. These changes have contributed significantly to culture as well as society as a whole. Events unfold dramatically as from 1945; division of labor, marriage, family, and Kinship, socialization, etiquette, religion, politics, arts, and humanities among others. The reason behind the choosing events from 1945 is because the events have impacted on current Scotland and how the people live.

The most Significant events that have impacted on wider cultural context

1945, World war two ends after Japan surrendering to the allies.

This event is significant to Scotland because Japan was the last enemy that had remained for Britain to gain victory. After Japan surrendering, the war came to an end, an event that was marked by a celebration that took place for two days in the UK, Australia, and the USA. The event, according to the British Prime minister, it put an end to the probable extinction of civilization had the war continued. This significantly shaped the UK economy and culture that is experienced today.

1947, Walter Donaldson becomes the first Scotsman to win the Snooker World championship.

Besides Joe Davis, Walter Donaldson became the first man in Scotland to take the world championship title in snooker. Other than the 1947 victory, Donaldson also won the 1950 snooker. This event has positively impacted the Scottish culture in the sense that Snooker has ever since been perceived as a professional game and the reason for this week’s fifth European Tour event being staged in Scotland. The victory, in other words, has led to the snooker heritage culture exercised today.

1964, John Walby and Peter Allen are hanged in Britain

Britain history is full of executions. However, in this particular year, John Walby and Peter Allen are the last people to be hanged after the debated heated regarding this capital punishment. However, after commons voting against this capital punishment in not only Scotland by the UK at large, this form of death penalty was abolished. The importance of this event to the Scottish culture is that humanity was achieved after this form of murder was stopped. In other words, the Scottish culture is today marked by wisdom of a punishment that has little room for the mistakes as part of the fallible system of justice.

1967, Glasgow Celtic wins the European Cup.

Glasgow Celtic, British’s first football team to win this particular Cup after beating Internazionale Milan 2-1. Milan has been a team that had championed European Cup three times in the previous years. However, after Celtic took the trophy, over 70,000 crowd celebrated with joy and happiness as they waved banners at the Portuguese National Stadium. The Celtic victory is significant in the cultural context since it is regarded as the most significant victory witnessed in the history of Scottish club.

1975, Piping of Scotland’s North Sea oil ashore at Peterhead.

In this context, Britain’s North Dea oil did not begin as an immediate rival to the oil produced by the OrganisationOf Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec). However, the North Sea oil output increased throughout the start of the 1980s to 1990s. In 1997 to 1998, the collapse of oil prices negatively impacted North Sea production. This further led to the loss of jobs until the North Sea oil industry in Scotland received a boost form Buzzard oil field in 2001. Through this is event, the significance of the North Sea oil led to the discovering of Buzzard oil field in Aberdeen and the Brenda oil field which could yield up to 150 million barrels in Outer Moray Firth. All these led to employment and the development of the culture of the Tartan Army.

1996, Thereturning of the Stone of Destiny after 700 years back to Edinburgh.

A replica of the Destiny Stone was made and placed at Scone Palace after the original was stolen in the 13th century by King Edward i. The stone was taken as spoils war in London at a place called Westminster Abbey. However, in 1996, the stone was safely returned to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. The importance of this event is that it has led to the building of the Perth Castle which has created the original culture of the region since 196 to be seen through pictures, uniforms, an immense collection of medals and military memorabilia in the Black Watch museum today. People go to this place to learn of the enthralling history.

2012, Perth becomes part of Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee celebrations.

With the beauty that lies in this city, Queen Elizabeth recognized this center as it allowed for any form of celebrations given the availability of hotels, accommodation, coffee shops, bars, and even guesthouses. The city has ever since been considered a tourist attraction cite given the existence of parks and the nice weather. Even today, people have made it a culture to visit Perth to have fun in Glengoulandie Park among others.

Other Key cultural things

Modern fashion experienced in Scottish culture results from the 1940s looks and designs.

In 1946, fashion aspects ranged from hair, girdles, swimsuits, pants, shoes, corsage, stockings and even shoulder pads. In view of the feminine look, the hair worn was end curled as well as long which created both a casual as well as an official look. This culture is still experienced today despite the fact that salons have become expensive and most women have embarked on cutting their hair, some of them still wear the knit or snoods that are crocheted alongside a veil and a hair net. In view of pants culture that is still practiced even today, women wearing pants was initially a culture for only those who worked in factories and home gardens. However, things have ever since changed since Katherine Hepburn, an actress made pants a popular garment since she started featuring films wearing wide legged trousers.

In 1947, Christian Dior introduced a new look that entailed skirts and dresses with long hemlines made of tons of fabric. The look that gave women an antebellum look through the wide hats as well as waistlines with tight nipped. This practice has impacted on the current feminine style that is considered a glamorous look with few of the ladies affording it.

Just like the music culture experienced today, Scottish music in the early years ranged from pop, classical among others which are evident to have brought change in the music society today. For instance, Scotland the Brave by Cliff Hanley in 1950, Donald Where’s Your Troosers by Andy Stewart in 1960, I’m Gonna Be (500 miles) of 1988 by the Proclaimers, Ally’s Tartan Army by Andy Cameron in 1978, among others. There are other music types like the folk song, and the traditional Gaelic songs sangby the native people while there was no literary tradition. An example of this is the “bothyballards” sang during the farming traditions in the eastern part of the region. Folk music was initially sung by travelers or by farmers, but now this music is embraced in the entire Scottish culture as the industrial society continues to discover the fun of folk- song.

Given the literature aspect of Scottish culture, most of the writers had separate ideas in their literary work. For instance, Changing Cultures: The History of Scotland since 1918 by Richard Finlay focused on industrialization and economy management after the 1945 era. This was to unveil how the male-dominated workplace needed to be balanced by the inclusion of women. This has impacted on today’s writing where other writers continuous to fight gender parity through literature. Furthermore, it is evident that material and consumer culture are symbiotic in their vitality to modern Scotland. This is so as seen in the Tradition and Modernity: Gaelic Bards in the Twentieth Century by Thomas McKean which maintainsthe need for communication through the use of traditional songs. For instance, local issues, as well as personalities, is a culture currently embraced to emphasize on the need for societal changes. This is communicated through verbal skills. Despite the fact that the professional clan bards no longer exist, their culture has impacted on traditional song makers who have embarked on performing song-poems in social functions.


Significant events that have taken place in the history of Scotland since the onset of 1945 has greatly impacted on the culture of this nation. Starting from sports, fashion, politics, music, literature among others are what has led to the current traditions that connect ancient Scotland to the current one through culture.

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