

Self-assessment involves assessing who one is with reference to a certain aspect. My first self-assessment was on the learning styles. This assesses the usage of more than one intelligence. There are five levels of intelligence including logical mathematical intelligence, Verbal-linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence intrapersonal intelligence and musical intelligence. From the results of the assessment, I am capable of using different intelligences especially the logical and interpersonal intelligence. As a leader, one has to be logical to be able to set a vision and lead the others in to achieving the sets goals (Daft, 2014). In addition, leaders set long-term goals in consultation with the others, which are logically achievable.

Potential leadership qualities

Another self-assessment was on potential leadership qualities. This assess whether I have the potential and the qualities to be a good leader. Can I guide people in to reaching their goals? It also assess whether I have the good management base. Not everyone can be a leader. Some people do not have the leadership qualities or the potential to be a leader. My assessment shows that I am the kind of person who set priorities to meet deadlines (Daft, 2014). In addition, I would help other people set their goals and guide them into reaching their goals.

Dealing with authority and networking

The self-assessment on dealing with authority assesses my personal skills on dealing with authority. How well do I deal with my boss and other senior people. The assessment is meant to reveal whether I have the skills to deal with authority or my skills need to be worked on. The assessment results showed that people describe me as a sociable and I network a lot. However, the results show that I do not deal well with authority. I apply logics where it is needed rather than just following an order or an instruction exactly as relayed.


This assessment assesses the level of optimism as reflected in my hopefulness about the future. It assesses my personal feelings on different aspects about the future. My score was above eight meaning I am optimistic. People like to follow an optimistic leader though too much optimism may exaggerate the expected outcome, which may never be met. However, my score rates me as an optimistic person who always expects the best results no matter the situation at hand.

Leadership orientation

This assesses my personal leadership orientation. Though it describes different kinds of behavior, I am not required to judge whether it is good or bad. I am to give my take on the behavior. The results show that I have moderate consideration toward behavior as a leader. The score also suggests that I have a high orientation towards initiatiating good behavior.


This assesses the leadership behavior. It assesses whether I am task oriented or relationship oriented. Some leaders focus much on peoples need and leave the concerns of the task to the people. Other leaders concentrate with the task details assuming the people will carry out the tasks. Both approaches are effective, what matters are the ability to identify relevant dimensions of the situation at hand. My score on this assessment shows that I am task oriented. I give people the details of the task but do not follow them around to see whether they are following the instructions.

Instrumental and end values

This assesses my preferred end values and instrumental values. End values can be personal or social. Instrument values fall into morality and competence. My assessment reveal that I tend my end values are more social than personal. I value things like equality rather than mature love. On instrumental values, the assessment reveals that I value competence as opposed to morality.


This assesses my behavior towards other people either in an informal or formal leadership position. The results show that I am highly mindful of other people. I am an independent thinker and my intellectual stimulation is moderately high. An open minded, intellectual and independent thinker is qualities of a good leader.

Ethical maturity

This assesses how I typically behave and make decisions as a leader. it assesses whether I behave ethically and morally. The results show that I am more concerned with values and other people more than my self-interests. I take responsibility and do not blame others for my mistakes. I possess a high-developed sense of value and principles.

Power of followership

This assess whether I am an affective follower. It assesses whether I am an independent thinker and how active I engage with my seniors. The results showed that I am an active thinker and I engage actively in all matters of the organization.

Implications of the assessments

From the assessments above, it is clear that I am an effective leader. I learn through interacting with other people and through logic and rationality. I am the kind of person who will logically review a situation or problem and then listen to other people’s view before making a decision. Those are qualities of a good leader (Daft, 2014). Though I am an independent thinker, I do not seem to value my inner states and do not apply them in learning. My style of leadership is task oriented and I give people the space to develop themselves. In addition, whenever I am involved in a discussion with my boss, I think clearly before giving an idea though I never fear to point something out.

Optimism is my way of encouraging the people not only in the leadership position but also in the social life. I see the best in any situation. I do not have a problem with authority and I am good in networking. Most of my qualities are those of a good and responsible leader who guides people rather than order them around (Daft, 2014). I value competence, mindful of other people, a good follower, and ethical and optimistic which are all qualities of a leader.

Assessment reaction

I have found the assessment to be meaningful given that I have been able to assess my leadership skills. The results did not come as a surprise to me because they just proved me right. I have been viewing myself as an analytical person who maintains relationships with other people not to impose anything on them but to build trust and learn from them.

I do not prefer to learn from my inner states because I value what others have to say. These assessments are very meaningful in that through them, I have been able to realize that I am more of a leader than a manager (Daft, 2014). In real life, I tend to guide people through a problem rather than talk them out.



Daft, R. . (2014). The leadership experience (6th ed.). Stamford: Cengage Learning.

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