Servant Leadership

Professional affiliations are professional associations formed by professionals in order to handle matters related to the professional. Qualified professions that own the affiliation can only join the affiliations. Nurses have formed affiliations that look into the affairs of the professionals, and the affiliations create networks among the nurses; hence they can share expertise and ideas on how they can advance their careers. The nurses are required to join the affiliations upon the completion of their studies and get the authority to go ahead and practice their careers. This helps in eliminating quacks that would claim to be qualified yet they are not.

Professional affiliations play an important in ensuring that the nursing career is successful, this is achieved through networking the experienced nurses with the less experienced ones to make them learn from each other (Sherman, 2018).Sharing experience among themselves ensures that the patients get better services. Nursing affiliations help nurses later in their career by providing them with opportunities that they can use to grow their careers. The affiliations connect with sponsors that sponsor the nurses to further their careers and gin more skills required in building their careers.

I joined the American Association of critical care nurses (AACN) that work towards promoting nursing by creating a culture where the nurses are responsible for their activities. The affiliation that is party to is the national association of clinical nurse specialists. The two affiliations have played a significant role in helping me network with other nurses that are specialists in different fields. I have gained more experience from the training done by the affiliations using the nurses that have the experience.


Sherman, R. (2018). Why your nursing networks matter – American Nurse Today. Retrieved from

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