The concept of Silver Economy in Hong Kong was developed to tackle the aging demographics. Precisely, the efforts geared towards improving a Silver Economy in Hong Kong are perceived as a strategic response to the challenge of public reward because aging presents numerous problems in society. The Silver Economy is identified as the third biggest economy in the universe, an elderly megatrend that produces countless opportunities. The introduction of silver bonds which was meant to benefit senior residents above 65 years provides an investment product that generates a double return as compared to that of iBonds. A significant advantage of the silver bond is that it has a three-year tenor and also pays interest to owners once after seven months at a percentage that is connected to the rate of inflation in Hong Kong, with the least rate being 2%. The silver bond is also beneficial to Hong Kong residents because the principal amount will be rendered to individuals upon attaining maturity. The residents of Hong Kong also benefit from the silver bond because contrary to the iBond, the silver bond does not have a secondary market. Owners are given the privilege to sell their bonds before attaining maturity age in case they wish. The Hong Kong government makes payments to silver bondholders desiring to sell their bonds before maturity at the initial price as well as accrued interest that might not have been paid. The Silver Bond has another advantage to the Hong Kong residents in that it can never be handed over to another individual except for the allocation to the beneficiary under the appropriate succession legislation. The silver bond is also advantageous because in case a person wishes to sell the Silver Bond before its maturity, the Hong Kong government allows individuals to provide a timely request for redemption to the placing bank where the Silver Bonds can be sold back to the government. Silver Bonds are beneficial to senior individuals in society can make subscriptions through the online platform or banks. Since there are more than twenty financial institutions taking part in the placement of Silver Bonds, it becomes a benefit to Hong Kong residents because the banks can relinquish the handling expenses.
The Silver Economy in Hong Kong also benefits elderly residents through the provision of healthcare products and services. The Silver Economy essentially focuses on the provision of health-tech items and healthcare division, because spending on healthcare has significantly increased as a utility of age. A significant benefit of the Silver Economy to the residents of Hong Kong is that it offers flexible healthcare services that are provided on the primary healthcare services and self-pay market. The Silver Economy assists the beneficiaries in receiving treatment for illnesses that are life-threatening thus functioning in environments that are highly regulated. The consumers of the Silver Economy strategy will benefit because the platform will assist them in holding back the consequences of aging generally improving the quality of life. Silver Economy positively impacts the healthcare sector by providing new streams of income for corporations both outside and inside the healthcare industry. Silver Economy in Hong Kong has improved the provision of healthcare services through the introduction of integrated healthcare and social services that are equally important to the old. The implementation of the Silver Economy is beneficial to the residents in Hong Kong because it ensures the delivery of effective and efficient healthcare services. The system is created in such a way that the beneficiaries can live healthier and not longer. The Silver Economy in Hong Kong provides consumers with high-tech healthcare products which include devices for monitoring their health status. The advantage of these products is that they have ensured that elderly users become more functional and productive. The Silver Economy is also profitable to the residents in Hong Kong because it has facilitated the rolling out of different initiatives that are aimed at assisting the old people in being integrated into the digital universe. The introduction of the eElderly platform is helpful to Hong Kong residents because it offers critical information on how they can improve their healthcare. The Silver Economy further assists the elderly in Hong Kong through the provision of ICT Outreach schedules which facilitate old people to experience the use of ICT technology thus improving the quality of healthcare.