Strategies in the Classroom Environment

Strategies in the Classroom Environment

Managing Behavior

This strategy is located in chapter 4 of the text. It is all about managing the behaviors of children within the classroom environment. It talks of how some behaviors make it difficult for students to learn effectively. Teachers can do this by way of classroom management. Here, they set a variety of rules that are aimed at regulating the students’ behaviors. It is all about the DOs and DON’Ts. There is also the aspect of positive behavioral support. This is due to the increasing number of behavior problems in schools where students are prone to bullying, fighting, discontent and general lack of discipline. Development of Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) has been suggested as one of the ways that would help improve students’ behavior.

To implement this strategy, there is the need to assess the behaviors being exhibited by students. This way it will be possible to come with a lasting solution that will ensure the negative behavior is eliminated. The students should be involved in deciding what is the appropriate way to behave while in certain environments. This makes them part of the process hence they will feel obligated to adhere to the rules brought forward. It would also be favorable to treat each student as an individual with unique abilities and problems. It becomes easier to enforce positive behavior this way.

I would manage students’ behavior through a variety of ways. I would use it while students are involved in any writing or reading exercises in the classroom. There are certain behaviors exhibited during this period that might act as a barrier to effective comprehension. Enacting positive behavior will enable improvement of performance in these areas. I will also ensure that all the rules brought forward are enforceable and reasonable. This gives some level of certainty on the success of these rules.

Assessing and Teaching Reading

The strategy is found in chapter 8 of the text. It is all about assessing and teaching students with disability how to read. It has noted that students with a significant reading disability tend to develop difficulties with regard to fluency, and this might continue up to adulthood. The strategy addresses reading-related constructs of comprehension and fluency for students with reading problems. Teachers have the ability to help them become fluent readers and provide them with materials that will help in this quest. The strategy involves assessment of fluency and monitoring student progress. This is done by measuring the number of words read correctly per minute. The scores are then used to set fluency goals which students are expected to actualize.

Factors needed to implement this strategy include the availability of sufficient books. This will help students to have a variety of resources that they would use for making practices on various reading comprehensions. This is because the only way an individual can improve on reading is by making more and more practice. Another favorable factor is the availability of fluency professionals. They will have the ability to inform teachers what is required based on the assessments that they conduct on the students.

I would use this strategy in my practice as a way of engaging students. This would come in when recording the fluency scores. The information would be recorded on graphs. I would have the students record their own progress. This approach will ensure that they get immediate feedback, and it also acts as a motivation for reading. It will allow them to set fluency goals, and they can view the evidence of their progress. As a teacher, I would help in setting baseline fluency scores. This would help to target acceptable rates of growth in fluency.


Assessing and Teaching Writing and Spelling

This strategy is found in chapter 9 of the text. It is all about writing and spelling for students with disability. Teachers have the ability to ensure that they improve the students’ writing production, something that will make them successful in general education classrooms. This will be achieved by assessment and teaching of the writing process. The conventions of writing should be put into consideration during this process. The teachers should then monitor the progress of the students on a regular basis. The progress should be recorded so that the parents and students can see the outcomes. Effective instruction will ensure that students are equipped with various elements of writing. This includes planning, composing, editing, revising and publishing.

To implement the strategy with integrity, there is the need to adhere to the Common Core State Standards. This will guide on what a student ought to have achieved while at a given grade level. It would work as a benchmark for teachers to conduct the assessment. Teachers also need to spend more time with the students at an individual level. This is because the problems involved are inherent to individuality. The scope of the problem also differs from one student to another.

In my practice, I would use the strategy to conduct spelling error analysis. This would help in identifying the spelling patterns that students misunderstand and those that they understand. I would integrate instruction and assessment to help improve spelling outcomes for the students. The teaching will be done in small units, and new words clustered according to spelling patterns. There will be time for students to exercise new words, issue feedback and maintain words learned previously through frequent reviews. In the long-run, this will help the students improve even in their writing since they are not experiencing difficulties with words.

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