Student Data Instructional Improvement

Student Data Instructional Improvement

The best way to identify the needs or misunderstanding of the students is by collecting and analyzing the data. Therefore, to monitor the students and identify their particular needs, it will be necessary to get the right data and dedicate time to analyze it (James-Ward, Fisher, & Frey, 2013). However, the method to use should be a common formative assessment, and it will allow the teacher to draw a conclusion of the needs of the students.

Since the students portray varied needs, I will express the ideas in different ways. As the teacher, I will reteach the objective if students have not understood using different lessons. Therefore, I will create additional time for mastery. During that time, I will vary the length of time that my students might take to complete a given activity. It will provide some support for struggling learners. Also, I will present my concepts through auditory and visual means so that the students’ objectives are met.

Reflection involves recalling information during the process of learning and also representing the same information. I will recommend a reflective activity that will include collaborative group discussion. Besides, I will stimulate the group by telling them to reflect on how they progress with their studies. Similarly, the students will reflect on how they contributed to their tasks and also functioned as a team. Also, the students can take the reflection process by writing a reflection journal. It will help them see the skills they are using to solve the problem.

During the reassessment, all the students may be reassessed regardless of what they scored previously. The process will be offered in every course, and when it occurs, one reassessment opportunity shall be provided per task. The teacher will decide whether to reassess the task using a different format, partially or entirely. The reassessment may include giving out quizzes, tests, report writing, and presentations.

The instructional adjustments on the students understanding of learning objectives are critical to their summative assessment at the end of the course. The summative assessment entails mainly the end year exams. The students should be prepared psychologically and gain confidence before the exams. The instructional adjustments will also help to fill the gaps in students understanding of the concepts before the summative assessment. Therefore, the students will undergo summative assessment when they feel they have understood the learning objectives.

James-Ward, C., Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2013). Using data to focus instructional improvement. Ascd.

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