The general curriculum is necessarily what the students are taught. Law requires teachers to provide students with disabilities access to the general curriculum. The general curriculum, to accommodate students with exceptionalities offers an array of activities from music, drama, clubs, and sports (Gilmour, A. F., 2018). Besides, competitions and tournaments are frequently held by schools of the same state to help nourish talents. It does this by seeking to inspire students with exceptionalities to nurture their skills and god given abilities.
Students with exceptionalities such as talent in poetry are likely to perform highly in there literature class. This is because the exceptionality in question is closely related to a subject and this may help a student complete better in that subject. Students with an excellent memory are highly likely to perform better in matters which require memorizing techniques such as history and biology (Vaz, S., 2015). This exceptionality may give the student better all-around performance as good memory is key in education.
Social skills such as cooperation may bare good results in academic curricula especially in assignments which require teamwork or general group work. Cultural differences for individual need students may have an impact on their performance. To prevent these cultural differences from distracting special needs students, cultural differences should be embraced as is commonly done with cultural clubs (Haegele, J. 2015). Individual need students with linguistic disabilities should be enrolled in special need schools as they offer the same general curriculum and may be able to resume their studies effectively. Gender differences for special needs students are key in how they are handled as the same condition may have different properties from one gender to another. This is especially true for students with behavioral issues as behavioral tendencies may significantly vary from male to female. Females may with this exceptionality may tend to have more often outbursts than their male counterparts.
Gilmour, A. F., Fuchs, D., & Wehby, J. H. (2018). Are students with disabilities accessing the curriculum? A meta-analysis of the reading achievement gap between students with and without disabilities. Exceptional Children, 0014402918795830.
Vaz, S., Wilson, N., Falkmer, M., Sim, A., Scott, M., Cordier, R., & Falkmer, T. (2015). Factors associated with primary school teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities. PloS one, 10(8), e0137002.
Haegele, J. A., & Sutherland, S. (2015). Perspectives of students with disabilities toward physical education: A qualitative inquiry review. Quest, 67(3), 255-273.